v17 Unable to use any addons to download subtitles
Ha! Well, at least now you have a fresh system and know that it won't solve the issue. Wink

If you're able to copy the files with Kodi's file manager, then the issue isn't specific to Kodi. Either there is an issue with the Subtitle add-on or there could be an issue with the .srt file that you downloaded.

I would post your issue in the Subtitle sub-form (actually I'm going to move this thread there for you so you don't have to repost) and/or contact the add-on author, I don't have your debug log up now but I think I remember you were using BS.Player.

You should also try a different Subtitle add-on and see if you are getting the same issue.

Moved to Subtitles.
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RE: Unable to use any addons to download subtitles - by Tinwarble - 2017-04-11, 09:03
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