SMB://storage/Movies or mapped drive? - SMB://Storage/Movies verse M:\

I am moving my content to a new NAS...from an UnRaid system

Can anyone tell me if there is any reason why I should use a SMB source rather than a simple mapped drive? i.e. SMB://Storage/Movies verse M:\

Any advice would be great,


If you plan to have a mysql server you need the smb paths.
I recommend using a SMB source. A mapped drive doesn't give you any benefits and as helta pointed out, if you are sharing the database with other Kodi clients or want to copy the database to a linux/osx/android client later you have to use SMB. The only benefit of mapped drives is that you can easily change the mapping when you move the data to another NAS.
I think all righthtinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary, decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired.

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SMB://storage/Movies or mapped drive? - SMB://Storage/Movies verse M:\0