TheTVDB scraper problem
just updated to the newest t3ch build. heard about the new tvdb interface and tested it. it´s working nice, but there´s one prob with german umlauts, they´re messed up (see screenshot).

i dunno where the prob is, but i guess it´s a scraper prob (must be set up for utf-8?).

hopefully it´s easy to fix.


Quote:but i guess it´s a scraper prob

no it's interface prob
Two and a Half Men

while the scraper still doesnt flag its output as utf-8 (as it should), fixing that still does not help. i have yet to figure out which encoding we're getting from tvdb - i suspect we're getting utf-8 encoded results which is passed through a utf-8 converter yet again (which doesnt play nice)
hmm, as i look to smutos looks like it´s the known prob from the tvdb forum, but i´m not into scrapers, so i keep on guessing Smile
alright, i just saved the infos again. now the xml looks correct, but xbmc still shows it wrong...
C-Quel just flag the outputted xml as utf-8
grab new scraper from SVN*...o/tvdb.xml
yea, saw it 10mins ago...scraping infos now and checking...

thanks so far...
tested everything yesterday. working fine so far, but it took hours (5 or more) to get all infos for 22 series.

one thing is better than with the old interface. now it grabs english banners even if it´s set to a non-english language.

for all non Latin1 codepage language, new intrface is still broken

i edit for myself the old scraper ( temporary use)
- flag the outputed xml as utf-8
- scraper only grabs english banners

maybe someone find this usefull

Bootsy Wrote:heya,
tested everything yesterday. working fine so far, but it took hours (5 or more) to get all infos for 22 series.

one thing is better than with the old interface. now it grabs english banners even if it´s set to a non-english language.


It will take longer if your watching a movie in the foreground or playing about music etc... is has a thread priority which is set @ idle.
ah, alright. the series are stored on an external hdd and is connected via smb with the xbox, maybe this caused the delay.
I'm confused. I'm running the 2/24/2008 t3ch build, and am trying to use the scraper for my tv shows. I have done this earlier without issue, and for the last couple of builds, it hasn't worked correctly. I read through this thread, and even pulled the suggested xml from sourceforge - still doesn't work.

I'm trying to pull information for the series The Office. The Debug log looks like:

01:52:42 M: 25587712 INFO: Get URL:
01:52:42 M: 25587712 ERROR: IMDb::Error looking up movie The Office

When I put the http into a browser, the returned XML makes complete sense. Couple of things, it refers to an IMDb error (I'm guessing this is just a text message issue) and says it has an error looking up a "movie" (also a text message issue, I'm guessing).

Can anyone advise on this? I suppose I could go back to a much earlier build when this stuff was working, but I like a lot of the added features that have come along since then.
Having the same problem with an SVN build from earlier today (Friday Feb 29th)
Catchy Signature Here
Maybe its related to this:
XFILE::CFile:Big Grinelete - Error deleting file Z:\
that seems to pop up in the logs whenever I attempt to scrape using this scraper.
The file does not exist, but Z:\Scrapers is created when attempting to scrape.
Catchy Signature Here
attempting to scrape with IMDB TV locks up my system
as others have reported, errors in log are mainly "IMDb::Error looking up movie". The last thing in the log (before the system locked up evidently) was
XFILE::CFile:Big Grinelete - Error deleting file Z:\
Switched the content back to
Tried to do Show Information on American Dad!, and got this:
02:03:02 M: 37597184 INFO: Get URL:
02:03:02 M: 37597184 ERROR: IMDb::Error looking up movie American Dad!

No mention of that Z:\ file, it must be an IMDB TV error which is not related.
Catchy Signature Here

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