Works on Intel+ATI - Doesn't with AMD+nVidia
Hey all,

This is a fantastic development! I've tried the new SDL version on my Intel based Thinkpad laptop (Lenovo T60 - CoreDuo, 2GB Ram, ATI x1400...) and it works! Audio downmixing seems non-functional, but video playback, even HD is smooth on this machine. (I can hear the surround channels, but the main channel with the dialog seems to not playback)

However, my actual HTPC refuses to work. (Abit AN-M2HD with AMD 64 X2 4200+, 2GB Ram and onboard nVidia 7050)

The log file shows errors, but the same errors appear in the working PC's logs so I'm not sure this is the issue.

If I add the -FS tag, the screen resizes before the .exe crashes.

Is this version limited to ATI video for the moment, or is there something else that could be the problem?

Again - this totally rocks, and I know its waaaaay early.


-- Phob
Umm - scratch that - it had something to do with the VNC video hook driver that was installed ... it works GREAT! Smile

I can't wait for this to mature further... keep up the fantastic work!

-- Phob

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Works on Intel+ATI - Doesn't with AMD+nVidia0