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Release Light IMDb Ratings Update 5.1.3
Yes looks like. But it was not sheduled.
There was no error on startup and no notice on manual start that a service is already running. Just a error after the manual start.
But i can do later at home a new one.
Can i, as user, check the entries?
I was looking in my sql and could find the media id and the rating but, stupid as i am, not the imdb nor the tmdb id.

As a user from the mq7 modded skin, it's nice to have and show up all possible data.
And (both) ratings is one of them.
Should i enable anything else in logging. Something specific what helps?

As scraper i have to use both; off- and online.
TinyMediaManager: so Kodi recognizes the Movie in a first attemt and then tmdb scraper within kodi to get all the good and missing stuff like ratings.
And sometimes Milhouse's script to update ratings just to be shure.
But i have to "ssh" this, a Addon like yours is more easy and automated.. :-)
Odroid-N2 CoreElec Kodi 19 with Aeon MQ 8 Mod
Synology DS 218+ (nfs) with Syno-MariaDB 10
Sorry, the log message needs to be reviewed. My fault...

About the missing IDs I don't know any way to check them through Kodi if not using the context menu an go under "Update IMDb rating" sub-menu...but I'm expecting the same result as the manual update: there are no IMDb/TMDB IDs.

I will try to reproduce a situation similar to your (i.e. one movie with no IDs) and check if I have the same error. If present, this should be anyway solved.

To solve the issue of the missing IDs themselfs, you should check with TinyMediaManager developer if the uniqueid format is used or not.
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Seems like a kodi issue.
the tmm guys are on it.
Odroid-N2 CoreElec Kodi 19 with Aeon MQ 8 Mod
Synology DS 218+ (nfs) with Syno-MariaDB 10
FYI: Version 3.5.1 is working as intended
Only without TV-Shows

So something is gone wrong with Bugfixing in 4.0.0
Odroid-N2 CoreElec Kodi 19 with Aeon MQ 8 Mod
Synology DS 218+ (nfs) with Syno-MariaDB 10
(2019-03-09, 22:43)Gothico Wrote: FYI: Version 3.5.1 is working as intended
Only without TV-Shows

So something is gone wrong with Bugfixing in 4.0.0
Hi Gothico,

Yes, version 3.5.1 works for movies because it uses the old format for IDs (i.e. it retrieves directly the imdbnumber parameter instead of the uniqueid). So, for the time being, you can use 3.5.1 instead of 4.0.0 (but ratings update for TV shows will not work anyway).
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
Hi axlt2002,
my advise about above problem: if there are no imdb key in uniqueid, get unknown key

Drop from my Kodi database, last is key:value from uniqueid

Up-To-Date IMDb Ratings - fast way to be on time with movies/tvshows ratings
This is just a suggestion. I am not sure if it was suggested before, but I couldn't find any reference to it in this thread.

Would it be considered to have the add-on only update TV Show episodes, as well as movies that have either changed or in the case of episodes, just added?

Thanks for you work on this add-on.


I have a bug when i use the add on; this is the debug log:


Thanks for helping.
(2019-04-15, 14:03)imarco Wrote: Hello,

I have a bug when i use the add on; this is the debug log:


Thanks for helping.
Thanks for reporting this issue. Can you just be more precise about the operation you are actually doing? From the log it seems is related to an update from the context menu...is the error happening for each entry (i.e. movie, TV show, episode, etc.) or just a particular one? In addition to that, the log file under the user_data folder could be also of help.

Have a nice day!
Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2019-04-10, 22:14)shedrock Wrote: This is just a suggestion. I am not sure if it was suggested before, but I couldn't find any reference to it in this thread.

Would it be considered to have the add-on only update TV Show episodes, as well as movies that have either changed or in the case of episodes, just added?

Thanks for you work on this add-on.

Thanks @shedrock for your valuable suggestion. Can you be more precise about when you say "episodes and movies that have either changed"? About the recently added option it is something that can be done, but it requires some changes in the service itself. At the moment I can just take a note of this feature since my free time in the last period is really minimal.  Confused

Light IMDb Ratings Update - Keep updated the IMDb ratings for your movies and TV shows.
In case you found useful my work, feel free to offer me a cappuccino!
(2019-04-16, 08:50)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2019-04-15, 14:03)imarco Wrote: Hello,

I have a bug when i use the add on; this is the debug log:


Thanks for helping.
Thanks for reporting this issue. Can you just be more precise about the operation you are actually doing? From the log it seems is related to an update from the context menu...is the error happening for each entry (i.e. movie, TV show, episode, etc.) or just a particular one? In addition to that, the log file under the user_data folder could be also of help.

Have a nice day!  
It happens at the launch of Kodi.
I use it on my pc for films but the same appears with my shield (android).

The other files:
https://pastebin.com/RAUExBzn (update.log)
https://pastebin.com/57PAuica (settings.xml)

(2019-04-16, 08:55)axlt2002 Wrote:
(2019-04-10, 22:14)shedrock Wrote: This is just a suggestion. I am not sure if it was suggested before, but I couldn't find any reference to it in this thread.

Would it be considered to have the add-on only update TV Show episodes, as well as movies that have either changed or in the case of episodes, just added?

Thanks for you work on this add-on.

Thanks @shedrock for your valuable suggestion. Can you be more precise about when you say "episodes and movies that have either changed"? About the recently added option it is something that can be done, but it requires some changes in the service itself. At the moment I can just take a note of this feature since my free time in the last period is really minimal.  Confused

With regards to the episodes. As far as I can tell, the ratings could indeed be updated on each episode and/or movie once a schedule has been setup for the add-on. I could be wrong here, but it seems that it has to run through the entire TV show episodes in order to just update the last episode. In my case it takes a long time because I have so many TV shows with so many seasons and episodes. I guess what I am trying to say is that it would be great if the add-on would be triggered somewhat like Watchdog, in other words, if there is a new file added and watched, then LIMDBRU would be triggered. Of course it would be great to have that as an option (switch) in the configuration. Another option would be to just have it only update that newly (watched) episode or newly added movie instead of running through the entire library over and over each time.

The reason I thought of this was because when I have LIMDBRU setup on a schedule, it definitely affects the performance of my LibreELEC box, rendering it unusable while the add-on is updating. I usually have to wait for it to stop before I can move around the skin etc. Hope you understand what I am trying to say.

Thank you for your dedication to this project.

So I read all 13 pages and checked the git and I can't seem to find a reference that would show that I could call the script for just a singular listitem.

I'd rather not make a gazillion IMDB requests for everything in my movies library every time I want to update just some modern titles. Is there a way to call the script from the VideoInfo window via a button?
As in:
<onclick condition="String.IsEqual(ListItem.DBTYPE,movie) | String.IsEqual(ListItem.DBTYPE,set)">RunScript(script.light.imdb.ratings.update,info=movies,name=$INFO[ListItem.IMDBNumber])</onclick>

Or failing that, can you maybe add a "Only update rating on titles newer than: 2017" with the year being manually set in the settings? At least then it won't be checking for a 7th time if anyone else has voted on "Manos the hands of fate (1966)" this week.
And maybe even a setting for checking only titles that have a rating above or below a set value? So that movies like "War Wolves" with a 9.8 can be updated after enough people have had a chance to vote besides the 19 people on the crew that gave it a ten when it was just released. Or to ignore movies that are going to have a permanent 2 no matter how many more people vote on it like "Bigfoot Vs. Zombies (2016)".

Either way, it is a wonderful script that was much needed.  Thanks for making it. Smile
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
Since today the add-on triggers a "You're not connected to the internet" warning. What mechanism does it use to determine that? Kodi can connect to the internet just fine, the YouTube add-on works for example.
All working fine here for me. v3.5.1
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