Universal Movie Scraper vs Artwork Downloader
Hi all

I just received my Nvidia Shield and installed Kodi

As I would like KODI to display covers for my movies (x264 and x265) played from an external HDD, I searched the Internet a bit for solutions.

So far I found Universal Movie Scraper and Artwork Downloader.

What is the difference between them and which one would be recommended?

Are there any great skins which already integrates these?


Universal Movie Scraper = Movie metadata + Artwork
Artwork Downloader = Artwork only
(2017-07-01, 09:23)Klojum Wrote: Basically:

Universal Movie Scraper = Movie metadata + Artwork
Artwork Downloader = Artwork only

Thanks! I installed Universal Movie Scraper, however I don't see the artwork for the movies on my USB.

Do I need to enable this somewhere?
Sounds like your first time playing with Kodi.. so you have probably missed a few steps along the way.

You did not need to install Universal Movie Scraper, as the default TMDB scraper would have done the job for you. But no harm, it is just another option.

As for the Artwork Downloader, you are not ready to use that yet until you get your library set up.

A good place to start is here... http://kodi.wiki/view/Quick_start_guide

1. You need to set the Source in Kodi to see your movies http://kodi.wiki/view/Quick_start_guide#...he_library
2. Check that all your movies are named correctly, If they are not, they won't be added to the library... http://kodi.wiki/view/Naming_video_files
3. You need to scrape your movies into your library... http://kodi.wiki/view/Set_content_and_scan
4. Once added to the library, you should see all your artwork.
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And also look at the artwork page... http://kodi.wiki/view/Artwork
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Thanks for your feedback! Which is better: TMDB or Universal Movie Scraper?

As I add and remove movies on a daily base, can I still use the scraper?
Quote:Thanks for your feedback! Which is better: TMDB or Universal Movie Scraper?
Neither and both. The TMDB uses the TMDB. Universal gives you a choice of using TMDB or IMDB

Quote:As I add and remove movies on a daily base, can I still use the scraper?
Yes. But asking that question shows you still need to do a fair bit of reading of those links.
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(2017-07-01, 11:39)Karellen Wrote:
Quote:Thanks for your feedback! Which is better: TMDB or Universal Movie Scraper?
Neither and both. The TMDB uses the TMDB. Universal gives you a choice of using TMDB or IMDB

Quote:As I add and remove movies on a daily base, can I still use the scraper?
Yes. But asking that question shows you still need to do a fair bit of reading of those links.

Thanks! I am following the guide under your link:

I have Android 7 and step 3 tells me the following:
"Note: For Android users with devices running Android 7 & up (possibly Android 6) and attached storage, do not select ADD VIDEOS as attached storage will not display in the Browse for new shares list. Instead, select the storage which should display in FILES, or navigate to the folder you wish to add on the storage, then press C on a keyboard or long press the Enter/OK button on a remote to pull up the Context Menu and select SET CONTENT. Skip to Step 7"

As I do not have a C button, not an Enter key on my Nvidia Shield controller, I was wondering how to pull up the context menu?
Ah found it. I needed to hold the x button Smile
It worked! Thanks a lot! 2 more questions:

1. As I often switch between USB sticks, will it remember my settings?

So say I today I am using USB A and set the settings to display the covers. Tomorrow I use USB B and set the right settings as well.

When I change again to USB A the day after, will Kodi recognise my previously set context menu settings and display my covers immediately? Or do I need to follow the steps every time I connect the USB?

2. My USB HDD contain movies and TV series. When I set the content menu settings to movie, I only see movies. How can I set it to both series een how movies and series (e.g Friends, Got etc)?
Quote:1. As I often switch between USB sticks, will it remember my settings?
Yes. The library is just records in a database. Once scraped, they will stay there regardless whether the USB is plugged in or not. I am not an Android user, but I do recall an issue where a different drive letter is assigned when you reattach a removed drive. This will make your movies unplayable. But the more experienced Android users can explain that if I have it wrong.

Quote:2. My USB HDD contain movies and TV series. When I set the content menu settings to movie, I only see movies. How can I set it to both series een how movies and series
I'll let you find that in the links above. All I will say is do NOT mix movies and TV shows in the same directory. They need their own Source directory.
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Universal Movie Scraper vs Artwork Downloader1