4:4:4: to 4:2:0 switch
Hi, are there any tools or can anyone provide me with the registry keys to create a batch file as I want to be able to switch between these for KODI watching movies 4:4:4 full RGB to minimise scaling and 4:2:0 for correct desktop colour space to avoid crushing it.

There are other tools to brighten desktop but I'm specifically looking for a cololur space change at the moment.

I am using an ATI RX 480 GPU.

Switching between these settings would be inside the driver and I'm not sure you could do a fast switch on the fly, but some AMD software in the past has offered a sophisticated hot key set-up for various functions. I'm unsure if this is still the case but would be worth exploring.
my first thought was radeon mod, frankly amazed there is nothing there for that, although its really for settings that arent present in the control panel.

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4:4:4: to 4:2:0 switch0