Alternative HDHomeRun PVR - Any Interest?
I forked the official PVR code and make many changes to it. The author is not interested in my code, so I would like to submit it as an alternative PVR to be included in Kodi.


Each channel shows up exactly once, no matter how many tuner boxes you have, and any tuner which receives the channel can by used by the PVR (unless it is already in use by another program, in which case another tuner will be tried).
A list of preferred tuners can be specified. These will be tried first, and other tuners used only if necessary.
Extended program guide. It will give 24 hours for non-subscribers. It should give the full period for subscribers, but subscribers might want to use the other alternative PVR described on SD's forum.

Planned additional features (in the short term):

UDP protocol. This uses less network resources than TCP, but the main reason to use UDP is for the next feature.
Support for legacy tuners. These are cheap on Ebay, but not even SD's software works with them. This PVR code supplies a stream to Kodi (rather than a URL) which makes legacy support possible.
Black-listing tuners by ID, so that Kodi will never use them (and they'll always be available for other programs).

It currently has the same name as Kodi's pvr, pvr.hdhomerun. I will change the name if you are interested in including my code in Kodi.
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Fantastic! Been waiting for this... I'll build and report back any issues.
Thank you for this. The duplicate channels thing is really annoying. I will also build and report back.
It's targeted for Kodi 18. I just pulled in the latest API changes, supporting GetChannelStreamProperties (which returns no properties for this PVR).

I forked Kodi's master branch to build against (for stability of development) but it is up-to-date as of now (18:32 CDT). The PVR builds and runs on Linux. Should build on Windows too, but I haven't tried yet. I develop on Linux but run on Windows.
I'm new to building. I built it in linux. How do I get it over to the Windows machine? Is it creating a zip file like other kodi plugins?
I'm sure a ZIP can be built, but I have not done that. I haven't even investigated how to do that yet.

I built both the PVR and Kodi on my machine, using my forked repos and the build instructions from the Wiki ( - use the instructions for v18 - follow them carefully). My change to the forked Kodi will include this PVR (and only this PVR). Building in Windows takes about 2 hours total on my 4-core Nehalem. Building on Linux is much easier, and takes about an hour on my Core2 Duo.

If the code is accepted for inclusion in Kodi, I will rename it so that it can live alongside the current pvr.hdhomerun. If it is rejected, I will build it as a ZIP.
Ok, thank you.
@Matthew we'll have an internal discussion about this with the team. Normally we only include one addon of each so it will be one or the other.

Maybe you can collaborate with this dev who went to implement the DVR functionality while you do the live part. Joining these two in one would be a very welcome addition.
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(2017-08-15, 21:07)Martijn Wrote: Maybe you can collaborate with this dev who went to implement the DVR functionality while you do the live part. Joining these two in one would be a very welcome addition.
I too was also going to recommend that you also look at the additional alternative HDHomeRun PVR client addon called zuki.pvr.hdhomerundvr ("zuki") that djp952 is working on.


Release History:

It seem to be a popular alternative and is right now activly disussed on SiliconDust own forum here:

See also the original thread here:

As Martijn mentions, its main additional feature support for SiliconDust's HDHomeRun DVR service (that is running HDHomeRun DVR service as a recording engine instance on your local network, which requires an active SiliconDust HDHomeRun DVR subscription)

This means that it also features support for:
  • Live TV streaming and time-shifting
  • Full Electronic Program Guide (EPG) data
  • Recorded TV playback and deletion
  • Timers and Timer Rules (Record Series, Record Once)
  • Channel Groups (HD Channels, SD Channels, Favorite Channels)

djp952 does however seem to implemented some of these features in ways that might make them unacceptable for the offcial addon repo 'as is' they are implemented right now. As among other this this addon has its own SQLite instance.

Perhaps even SiliconDust themselves would sponsor the development of a such joint project that could potentially replace their own Python script based addon as well as the current HDHomeRun PVR client addon which no longers looks to be maintained, or at least is no longer recieving any new functions and features.

Regardless it is sad to see that the currect HDHomeRun PVR client addon is being neglected and have not even yet gained the same features as a SiliconDust's own official addon on, which unfortunatly is Python script based instead of using Kodi's PVR API.
Thanks @Martijn. Let me know what you and the team think about this.

I've looked briefly at djp952's code. It does appear to be well-written. My problem with integrating it, is that I do not subscribe to the SD DVR service, on which his code depends. I'm currently using WMC to record, and Kodi to view. That will certainly change at some point, but not in the immediate future.

I use Kodi for live TV almost exclusively, using my add-on.

The way the official add-on is written, it does not play nice with other software attempting to use the tuners. Either you see the channel once for every box you have, or (if you fix the setting for hide duplicates) you can only tune from a single box whose ID you do not know, and is essentially chosen at random when the PVR starts. So either option has problems. As I have three boxes that Kodi can use, the list to scroll though is very long.

My PVR code will only show a channel once in the listing, and will try "preferred" tuners first, in a loop, then any other tuners that can receive the channel, until it finds one that works (i.e., not yet fully subscribed).
I'm in the same boat as Matthew. I only use Kodi to watch TV. I have no interest in the DVR back end.
Same, my main interest is Live TV viewing (although I do subscribe to the DVR service, I barely use it)

The features mentioned above regarding multiple tuners would be very welcome for live tv
(2017-08-15, 21:07)Martijn Wrote: @Matthew we'll have an internal discussion about this with the team. Normally we only include one addon of each so it will be one or the other.

Maybe you can collaborate with this dev who went to implement the DVR functionality while you do the live part. Joining these two in one would be a very welcome addition.

so you mean take something that was made for free and turn it into paid? because pvr.hdhomerundvr isn't technically free, as it requires a DVR service from HDhomerun to be any use. I have nothing against paid, but my experience is the free stuff is generally better than the paid apps (ie Silicondust own apps/DVR service).

if anything, maybe a replacement for pvr.hdhomerun (
which looked promising, but looks to be another dead addon that was abandoned..
Any chance of a working version for Raspberry Pi's ?
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Alternative HDHomeRun PVR - Any Interest?0
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