Dumb "play" question...
i feel kinda lame asking this, so if it is documented somewhere already feel free to take me outside and slap me around a bit, but...

playing audio files seems a bit confusing - at least to me.  (this is with the default keymap)

i have a directory per artist, and subdirs below that for each album.  if i want to play an album, i go into the artist dir, then the album dir...then what?

the most obvious thing would be to press the "play" button on the remote, but that does nothing.  "select" does the trick, but i would expect it to play the current track only.  rather, it plays the current track followed by all the other tracks in the directory - and then it loops back to the start! this means you end up listening to the same thing over and over before you realise that you have heard these tracks before.

is there a way to actually play the entire album and then stop (which i would think is the behaviour that most people would expect)

it would be nice to be able to go into the artists dir and hit "play" on the name of the album subdir too - and have it play only once unless "repeat" or "shuffle" were somehow enabled. (as per any cd player)

i can't remember this being an issue in xbmp - didn't that have a "play" item in the menu on the left or something?

thanks - and keep up the good work.

you can select the album folder and hit y (there is a button for this on the rmeote too, but i can't remember atm). now all files within this folder are added to a playlist. hit the little black button to switch to playlist view. on tis screen you can set the bahviour of the playlist like shuffel and repeat. if you disable repeat it will play the files in the playlist (which are your album tracks) only once.
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right...cool.  playlists are good, but there should be an intuitive way to play all the files in a folder don't you think?  something that users that are familiar with cd players etc will feel comfortable with...


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