Mod Estuary ATF
Nice, good work !
Are you working on adding more new pvr views ?
I would also love to see a lowlist channellist with live tv running in background
Something like this but with channel logo instead of movieposter and epg info instead of movie info and the tv channels in the middle, i always miss the epg info when im channel surfing.
Yep OSD is next to look at, not sure about the guide though.. sounds complicated Smile

Doing a bit of research I found some ones I will borrow some elements off:


Common good elements I think:

- The now and next being the same size
- Progress bar between now and next giving some seperation
- Prominent Channel logo on the left
- Time on the right
- Video resolution easily visible
- Aspect Ratio
- "Boxed" OSD that doesn't touch the sides

Here is what the OSD looks like at the moment:


And some commercial set top boxes do this:

Sky UK

Virgin Media UK
With the recent changes to Estuary I am finding it hard to actually find the OSD code...

Does anyone know which file it is?
(2017-12-31, 15:29)docwra Wrote: With the recent changes to Estuary I am finding it hard to actually find the OSD code...

Does anyone know which file it is?
 It's in DialogSeekBar.xml now.
Kodi @ NVidia Shield Android TV, Asrock J3455-ITX (LibreELEC Server), Windows 10, and Nexus 7 (2013)
No epg plot on channel change osd please.
Go for osd on page 1 👍👍👍
(2017-12-31, 15:29)docwra Wrote: With the recent changes to Estuary I am finding it hard to actually find the OSD code...

Does anyone know which file it is?
Aye, changing the OSD can be quite tricky. In addition to the DialogSeekBar.xml, you will probably need to make additional changes to the Includes.xml, Variables.xml, PlayerControls.xml, Video and MusicOSD.xml files, depending on the level of changes you want to make.
(2018-01-01, 15:19)Dumyat Wrote:
(2017-12-31, 15:29)docwra Wrote: With the recent changes to Estuary I am finding it hard to actually find the OSD code...

Does anyone know which file it is?
Aye, changing the OSD can be quite tricky. In addition to the DialogSeekBar.xml, you will probably need to make additional changes to the Includes.xml, Variables.xml, PlayerControls.xml, Video and MusicOSD.xml files, depending on the level of changes you want to make.  
Thanks, yep quite complicated for the n00b!

I will attempt to update the wiki guide I wrote for modifying Estuary with all the details.

Another one I found was the time that was in the Custom_1109_TopBarOverlay.xml file.

Here's what I have come up with so far, still a lot of tweaks to make I think.

Wiki guide updated with the basics

Please feel free to sign up on the wiki and help out. My aim is to make it easy for anyone to start editing the default theme while sharing ideas with each other...
(2018-01-02, 15:50)docwra Wrote:
(2018-01-01, 15:19)Dumyat Wrote:
(2017-12-31, 15:29)docwra Wrote: With the recent changes to Estuary I am finding it hard to actually find the OSD code...

Does anyone know which file it is?
Aye, changing the OSD can be quite tricky. In addition to the DialogSeekBar.xml, you will probably need to make additional changes to the Includes.xml, Variables.xml, PlayerControls.xml, Video and MusicOSD.xml files, depending on the level of changes you want to make.          
Thanks, yep quite complicated for the n00b!

I will attempt to update the wiki guide I wrote for modifying Estuary with all the details.

Another one I found was the time that was in the Custom_1109_TopBarOverlay.xml file.

Here's what I have come up with so far, still a lot of tweaks to make I think.

Oh, that's looking really good Smile
This is the format I used on my Madnox mod. I was thinking to try and do something quite similar for Estuary as well

(2018-01-02, 17:45)docwra Wrote: Wiki guide updated with the basics

Please feel free to sign up on the wiki and help out. My aim is to make it easy for anyone to start editing the default theme while sharing ideas with each other...
Great idea!
I think we probably have lots of very creative users within the community who have some great ideas, but are often hampered by their lack of skinning knowledge and how a skin is structured in order for them to make changes.
I'll check out the Wiki link and try to contribute as well, but I'm certainly no expert myself when it's comes to skinning. Wink
(2018-01-04, 01:09)Dumyat Wrote: Looking really good Smile
This is the format I used on my Madnox mod. I was thinking to try and do something quite similar for Estuary as well

Yeh I love that sky style episode info, but it shows up on too much of the screen for me with casual channel browsing.

A few questions...

- Does that show up on up arrow during live tv?
- Is there any way to bring up the OSD first, and then the episode description on a 2nd key press?
- How do you show the movie poster in live TV? Where does that data come from?
(2018-01-04, 10:56)docwra Wrote: Yeh I love that sky style episode info, but it shows up on too much of the screen for me with casual channel browsing.

A few questions...

- Does that show up on up arrow during live tv?
- Is there any way to bring up the OSD first, and then the episode description on a 2nd key press?
- How do you show the movie poster in live TV? Where does that data come from? 
Well, been a while since I've used Madnox, but as far as I can recall the Live TV OSD was configured as follows:-

1) Channel switching would only show the bottom half of the OSD (ie, channel icon, now/next programme details)
2) Pressing the OK button when Live TV was playing would also show the same info as in 1)
3) Pressing the 'Info button' on your remote or the button mapped to that function would show top and bottom parts of the OSD.
4) Poster artwork for Live TV is powered by the Skin Helper Script.

Yeah, for Estuary I'm thinking to add the Player Control Buttons on the bottom half of the OSD, but to also add a button to show/hide the top half. This is a feature that Guilouz has on his Mod and something I really like, as I think the same as you with the amount screen space used for casual channel switching.
this is done in DialogSeekBar.xml and VideoOSD.xml

<control type="group">
   <control type="image">
    <texture flipy="true">frame/osdFRAME.png</texture>
osdFRAME.png is what I named my image

Any news? @docwra
Still working on the basics and rolled back the OSD changes as it got a bit complicated Wink

This is a long term project and next up is improving music support, so hopefully some news soon.

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