Question about Nvidia Shield and 24p
I am using a RPi3 with LibreELEC on my living room and watch everything in 24p without issues. No hitching and frame skipping. I thought about getting a Nvidia Shield for a different room but wanted to ask if 24p works the same on the Shield as it does on the RPi3. I read that there are issues with Android and 24p. Some say it's resolved some seem to have issues so I wanted to ask here.

Does refresh rate switching 50->24->60 etc. work as flawless as with the RPi3? Especially the 23.976 -> 24 Hz thing?

The Nvidia Shield TV does do refresh rate switching to 24/50Hz etcetera. There is the obvious refresh switch that the TV has to make, but that 'hiccup' varies per TV.
I've read somewhere that 24p sync was broken a while ago on the Shield after a FW update. Does this mean it got fixed and works now, even on Kodi?
Yes it was broken several updates back but has been resolved for a while now.
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Question about Nvidia Shield and 24p0