Release Amazon Echo Alexa Video Skill for Kodi
(2018-03-13, 15:37)tkislan Wrote: In this case, you have to say "Alexa pause on Kodi".

Tomas -

Thanks for including me in the beta.  The skill is really working well, and I appreciate the above tip as I frequently use my IR remote to start playback, but then want to use Alexa to pause/resume. This is especially handy for anyone watching that doesn't currently posses the remote!

In my case after starting playback with the IR remote, I can say "Alexa pause HTPC".  After the first use of "HTPC" though, I can use the usual "Alexa, pause" and "Alexa, resume" without using the device name -- just great!

I can also report that "Alexa, stop" is now working -- actually sending a stop rather than a pause/resume.

Had a small problem with fast forward, where I said "Alexa, fast forward 30 seconds" after about 5 minutes of playback.  I got a 30 second jump, but it was from the very beginning, rather than from my current point in the playback.  Fast forward has worked properly for me before, so I'm not sure what happened.

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Amazon Echo Alexa Video Skill for Kodi8