Solved Some Videos not playing under 17.6

i recently upgraded my Kodi from Raspberry B+ with 15.2 and openelec to a Raspberry 3 with 17.6 and Raspbian Stretch

Unfortunately now some of my videos from my smb share are not playing anymore.

In the Logs I found:
21:15:30.052 T:1681912576   ERROR: CMMALVideo::dec_control_port_cb Error (status=2 ENOSPC)
21:15:32.051 T:1911631872   ERROR: Previous line repeats 91 times.
21:15:32.051 T:1911631872  NOTICE: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()

The videos are MPeg4 with XVID fourcc and MP3 Audio and play well with other players on other computers.

I need some hints to track that down. Thanks in advance.

Please always provide full debuglogs. Those snippets aren't helpful in most cases.
Thanks for the reply, I picked the exact point, where the error ocurred. Somebody with any insight what this error is about?

But now comes the fun part: wnen I activated debug logging, Kodi crashed, restarted and now all videos are playing flawlessly. Even when debug logging is deactivated. WTH?
Thread marked solved.
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One final addon: during my testing I installed ffmpeg via apt-get, I think that did most of the job. But: why doesn't Kodi trigger that installation?
Ask Raspbian. As they are the ones who should take care.

We might have seen it before if you would have provided the logfile. As said, without the log we can't do anything.

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Some Videos not playing under 17.60