Solved Kodi does not read/assign the keymap to some buttons
The following keymap works under SPMC but not under KODI. In order to overload the PROG+/- buttons of my remote control, I have added the sony.xml file under .kodi/userdata/keymaps but it does not recognized by KODI. Indeed when I press those buttons the TV closes KODI and switches to the home page. To test it I have installed the addon PVR Demo Client on both SPMC and KODI, on SPMC I'm able to use PROG+/- to switch between channels but not with KODI.

SPMC even without the user-defined keymap reverves the usage of those buttons to the app, in the sense that if I press PROG+/- on the remote controller from the homepage nothing happens but al least it does not close the app. Other apps like xplore file manager or Zattoo TV do the same, they prevent that some buttons might close the app except for the HOME button or BACK. This is missing in KODI.

@Koying: what do you do on SPMC?
Does any developer care about this bug? Not even a comment/tip that could help me to solve it
Currently in Kodi channel_up and channel_down keynames do not exist. It was only added to SPMC at
List of keynames (wiki) describes how you can use keys that have no keyname in keymaps.
Dear Rechi thank you very much for your reply.

I have already tried to play with the keymaps unsuccessfully. I have not been able to detect the decimal from the log file because the TV exits the app as soon as I press a key which has not been reserved by the Kodi as for channel up/down.

I could try to checkout the latest Kodi from the repository and see if I could transfer his commit there but I have never compile anything for android. In case would you be willing to help me with the compilation?
In the latest nightly channel up and down are mapped to pageup and pagedown keynames (

You shouldn't need any keymaps modifications, as pageup and pagedown are already mapped to ChannelUp and ChannelDown.
Indeed I can now use channel up/down on the remote control of an Sony Android TV. Thanks!

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Kodi does not read/assign the keymap to some buttons0