[split] SMB/Samba File Sharing Discussion
I see some old posts about implementing NFS. There are those of us that are willing to try implementing NFS if you give us a hand. Here is my particular scenario.
I have 6 NAS boxes. Not all of them support NFS.
SO how do I work around that?

CANHuh CAN I set up a NFS server machine. Can I use samba to connect my NAS boxes to the NFS server. THEN - can I point Kodi at the NFS server? WIll THAT get around this whole thingHuh

IF NFS is truly better, I am willing to upgrade stuff to get there, but I can't all at once... Money IS an object, unfortunately!!!
I am working 12 hour days right now, but as soon as my break comes, I will find out for myself if I must.
So say I have a NAS that I have mapped to M on my PC that is going to be used as a NFS server.

Then I use the steps shown in this video


Can I map the 'M' drive -which is a Nas box to something else using NFS per the instructions in the video above??
So, I just tried Winnfsd. Kodi says that it doesn’t see the server, yet the server sees Kodi’s attempt. Again that is trying to use a samba share in an NFS share. I have a NAS mapped as M: on the PC running Winnfsd. So I start Winnfsd by c:\winnfsd.exe M:\movies\ /mmovies
Winnfsd seems happy with that.

I go to Kodi. Add the source using the IP address of the PC running Winnfsd and I use mmovies as the name

I am going to try some variants later, but now...sleep.
I’ve split your posts off as they do not directly relate to the status of SMB in the Xbox.

Why are you immediately jumping in at the deep end by doing something that may not even work? as a first step try creating a folder on the pc which contains some media content then sharing that just to prove whether you are configuring WinNFSd correctly. Then only when you’re confident you understand how to use WinNFSd to share local folders should you move onto trying to map a SMB share to a driver letter then sharing that via NFS.

What is your NAS make and model? as any hall decent device should support both NFS and SMB.
lg nas n2b1

I have 2 of these. They have been working flawlessly for about 7 years.

They do not have a provision for NFS. I am running them in dual 2tb raid 1. I have had one failed drive. I replaced it and the raid rebuilt with no issues.

They use SMB. FTP is available. That sounds like a strange way to go.

I will try working with a directory on the actual machine running Winnfsd tomorrow. I am betting that there will be no issue there. It will help determine that my switch configuration isn't blocking it.
I also have a Dlink DNS-321, 2 WD My Cloud Mirror. and a WD My Cloud EX2

All together it is 14TB of Raid 1 (28TB of non raid space)

These are all lightweight consumer NAS units. For my use, they have been inexpensive, reliable, splits up my risks of failure. These are also backed up with external USB drives, but not in the same denominations. 

I am pondering my next moves....NAS Wise.
I wonder if all this is necessary when perfectly capable Kodi devices are available for way less than a new NAS.
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I also point out that it appears that there is an alternative firmware for your NAS which seems to provide NFS: https://lg.threnor.de/en:start
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You are correct in stating that it isn't necessary. I do have a Nvidia Shield running Kodi right now. SMB works fine with that. I am also running an Emby server separately, and the X-Box sees that perfectly. I have been debating for some time how I want to move forward as I need more space. I could go full on commercial NAS, roll a open source NAS, Simply use an r710 and run 3 raid 1 devices, or simply buy another consumer NAS for the next expansion. Let's face it, I am not really using NAS boxes to their complete capabilities. To be frank, I think the most cost effective thing might be a r710 with 3.5" trays. I simply run linux from an internal USB stick. Then I run 3 sets of 2TB drives. (Or whatever is cost effective at that time. If it is 3tb then I will move to the h700 card and drive backplane. If enough time goes by, I will move to the r720. They get cheaper every day.) A 12tb WD My Cloud Home is $550.00.  I can set up the same thing in a r710 for less, I don't have to deal with WDs BS on the drives if I have to replace one. Replacement hardware is also easier to get. - So thanks for jolting me a bit. I will be patient and wait for a SMB solution on Xbox. Fiddle with NFS until I get that down. Also, I think I will slowly replace these consumer NAS boxes with pro level equipment - albeit a couple generations back. Also rather than run specialized NAS hardware, why not simply run Dell servers with H700 raid cards and run 3 sets of drives in 3 raid 1. I like to keep thinks at the 2tb to 4tb size per drive. I just personally like copy for copy rather than a striping raid such as 5 and above. Raid 1 starts running into issues with larger size drives. 

I would appreciate opinions.

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[split] SMB/Samba File Sharing Discussion0