Bug Titles disappearing since upgrading to 2.9.8
I'm using TMM since two years or so. I start it when I need it. I use it to scarpe, nothing else. In all that time I've never seen something like that before - until today.

A restart of TMM did help. There's no hint in the logs between my last activity and the disappearing titles.

TMM 2.9.8 is the version, I use it since it's appearance. It's running on Windows 10, latest updates applied. All data is stored on a NAS. I was shuffling some folders around because I'm converting from ReiserFS to XFS currently. Beside that no hint why the titles disappeared out of sudden.

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RE: Titles disappearing since upgrading to 2.9.8 - by baer678 - 2018-03-17, 13:18
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Titles disappearing since upgrading to 2.9.80