Win [How To] Add NFS server capabilities to Windows (free)
With the lack of SMB support on Kodi for XBox1 a good alternative is NFS, but it's not supported natively on most versions of win.
There are some easier methods to do that (haneWIN's nfs server) but not free (afaik).
Here's a way to add NFS service capabilities on win using the FOSS WinNFSd.

1. Download WinNFSd.exe latest version from here (2.4.0 as of now)
2. Place it in a new folder. I'm gonna use C:\winnfsd for this guide.
3. Inside that folder create a text document, name it exports.txt, open it and paste inside the paths you'd like to share (eg F:\Videos). One path per line, and start from the second line - leave first line blank! (I don't know why but in my case the path I put in the first line didn't get shared).
4. Create another text document in the same folder, name it nfsservice.bat, and paste in it: winnfsd.exe -id 0 0 -log off -pathFile "C:\winnfsd\exports.txt" and save it.
5. Right-click on that file, Send to -> Desktop (create shortcut). 
6. Move shortcut to windows's startup folder (C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup)

That's it, run nfsservice.bat or restart (the service will start on every boot).

- Optional, add your windows pc's ip on (client) Kodi's file manager as an NFS source: Settiings/File Manager/Add source/Browse/Add network location/Protocol: NFS, Server address: IP of win pc/OK/give-a-name/OK.
Now you won't have to do it again and again when you're adding media sources, the server will be listed and you'll just choose your desired path from it.
On Windows Professional Versions you can just add NFS support if you enable it via Windows Features.
This could also help:

Generally I would be a bit careful about the UID/GID entries which are explained. THose have to match the exports on the server. Setting it to UID/GID 0 might not be the best idea.
@DaVu I think this is different, I'm talking about making a windows pc the NFS server.
Ah, true. I see.

Sorry for the confusion Wink
You're right about the UID/GID entries though, I should clarify that my implementation enables write access to the shares.
Well, after some usage I discovered that winnfsd only supports Latin characters, so if you have shares with folders/files in non-latin they won't work Undecided
So I guess in that case haneWIN is the way to go -- I also tried using FreeNFS but didn't work for me, plus it's a little complicated to add more than one share path.
(2018-03-11, 13:07)host505 Wrote: Well, after some usage I discovered that winnfsd only supports Latin characters, so if you have shares with folders/files in non-latin they won't work Undecided
So I guess in that case haneWIN is the way to go -- I also tried using FreeNFS but didn't work for me, plus it's a little complicated to add more than one share path.
 That's probably why the first line in your exports.txt got ignored.  It probably had a BOM as the first character and that program couldn't deal with it.

scott s.
Thanks so much, I was having big dramas trying to connect my android tv boxes. This made it simple
@host505 Nice guide. Actually easier than setting up haneWIN NFS Server - thanks...
weird, it doesn't work for me:
WinNFSd 2.4.0 [5f7f224]
Network File System server for Windows
Copyright © 2005 Ming-Yang Kao
Edited in 2011 by ZeWaren
Edited in 2013 by Alexander Schneider (Jankowfsky AG)
Edited in 2014 2015 by Yann Schepens
Edited in 2016 by Peter Philipp (Cando Image GmbH), Marc Harding

Usage: WinNFSd.exe [-id <uid> <gid>] [-log on | off] [-pathFile <file>] [-addr <ip>] [export path] [alias path]

At least a file or a path is needed
For example:
On Windows> WinNFSd.exe d:\work
On Linux> mount -t nfs mount

For another example:
On Windows> WinNFSd.exe d:\work /exports
On Linux> mount -t nfs

Another example where WinNFSd is only bound to a specific interface:
On Windows> WinNFSd.exe -addr d:\work /exports
On Linux> mount - t nfs / exports

Use "." to export the current directory (works also for -filePath):
On Windows> WinNFSd.exe . /exports

my exports file has just 3 lines:

(2018-03-11, 07:48)skybird1980 Wrote: On Windows Professional Versions you can just add NFS support if you enable it via Windows Features.
 Unless I'm missing something, on 10 Pro you can enable that to mount Unix NFS shares. You can't share stuff via NFS.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
yes^^ sorry i tried only to mount my nas.
@scythe000 try to c/p the exact path from the address bar to your exports.txt (should be F:\TV eg).
how do you organise permissions? I can browse the mapped shares fine but i cant open/play any files

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[How To] Add NFS server capabilities to Windows (free)2
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