What is the best way to set Ember up to pull in trailer URL but not actually DL them?
Hi all

I'm just in the process of going through all my movie library using Ember to scrape before I put them into Kodi, instead of letting Kodi do the scraping. I want it to pick up trailer info but not actually download trailers, as that adds massively to the scraping time. What are the best settings in Ember to do this? I have it set to not get the trailer in the main scrape page (as that seems to DL it), but set to scrape it in the IMDB settings page, but I can't see it showing the URL on the movie main page in Ember. 

I'm now also getting Ember to add each movie to its own folder so make it tidier (and allow for multiple artwork, etc), whereas before I just had them all chucked into various folders for groups/genres I wanted to keep them in. 

Quote:Settings, Movies, Scrapers - Data, TMDB, Trailer

Works well for me.
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(2018-03-24, 19:16)zerocool_ie Wrote:
Quote:Settings, Movies, Scrapers - Data, TMDB, Trailer

Works well for me.
Thanks zerocool, that's pulling them in now.

Next question though.... How do I get Kodi to play them?! When I select trailer in the movie info it does nothing. I can select the YouTube videos option and that lists trailer options, but I'd rather just be able to select trailer and it play.

Any ideas? I'm on titan beta on 18 and do have the YouTube add-on and YouTube control add-on installed

I'm using Transparency on Krpyton and they play OK.
Youtube add-on installed too.

Switched skin to Estuary and it plays there too.

Did you check your database to see if the links have been scraped into Kodi?
select c16,c19 from movie_view;

Or maybe it's a Titan or Leia issue?
4x R-Pi4b LibreELEC v10 | Aeon Nox: SiLVO | Flirc cases
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Software MariaDB 10.4.19 | Filebot | Ember Media Manager
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What is the best way to set Ember up to pull in trailer URL but not actually DL them?0