Unscraped / event log
I now use kodi on a minix u9. There's items that don't scrape and I understand from the wiki they should be in the event log.

I need to get access to that so I can go through the list and deal with them.

Anyone have a suggestion on an easy way to get the info out?
The Event Log (wiki) is viewed on screen. It is not like a debug log that you can access as a text file.
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Ah I see. It's not the easiest way to interface it. Duo you know if there's a better way to get an output of what failed to scrape? For me there's loads of entries.
I found the easiest way around this was to install kodi on my desktop computer, and then access the event log there while working on the files.
Log Viewer for Kodi

Install if from the Kodi repository.
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