Video help (seeing posters/images for movies)
I've seen in previews how people have movie posters and such as the icons for the movies they have in XBMC. I was wondering how I do that. Is it a plugin, or addon, or do I have to find each and every one and change the icon.

Thanks for the help!
I presume you do not use the library?
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Oh, ok... sorry, still very new to the xbox scene... took me a week to research how to softmod, and even then I still messed it up, lol

I've had to reinstall XBMC 3 times now cause I keep messing up files... so I'm still very new, lol
Is there any way to automate the procedure on a network drive? It seems as if I have to do each movie separately... (Context menu/White - Get movie information)

I have well over 200 movies, and really hope I don't have to do each one manually.... lol
yes you can do automatic lookups. set content. wonder what that do automatic scan button is all about. or you can choose scan for new content from context........
Straight from the page I linked for you:

First you have to decide what sort of video is contained in the folder/share you wish to scan via the 'Set Content' option of the The Context Menu, for more info see:

* How To use Scrapers
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I've done that, but it still won't search... is it because it's a networked drive, not on the XBOX hd...

I still have to manually get the movie info by "(context/white) - movie information" on each video individually...

I have the "Movies" link on my main VIDEOS page set to :

not like Q:\Movies

So when I open "VIDEOS" on the XBMC home, I see 4 items : DVD / Movies / Music Videos / TV Shows

Movies - smb:\\networkeddrive\folder\movies
Music Videos - smb:\\networkeddrive\wifesfolder\music videos
TV Shows - smb:\\networkeddrive\folder\tv shows

do I need to do something different in my setup?

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Video help (seeing posters/images for movies)0