Kodi 16 x32 VS Kodi 17 x64
With the new and always improving HEVC codex and other such improvements to other codex's.. will a x64 bit Kodi run video smother then x32? Not sure I ever noticed it but I'm wondering does a x64 bit player play videos better then x32? And in the case of Kodi.. how drastic (or rather improved) is the difference now that Kodi went x64 vs the last x32 bit version? Just really curious about this and in how much it matters/makes a difference?

Also congrats to Kodi for finally making the x64 leap! Thanks!
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Big headline here https://kodi.tv/article/kodi-v18-windows-64-bit-here read all about it.

Kodi 32 bit version will run fine on Windows 64 bit.

Kodi Alpha 64 bit is available for download.

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Kodi 16 x32 VS Kodi 17 x640