[Estuary] addon path in main menu
I'm trying to setup main menu in estuary skin to have 'Radio' item. But not standard radio. I want it to be a link to Radio (standard one, from kodi repo) plugin -> My station.
Is it possible at all in standard estuary skin (not the modified one, which is quite ugly for me)?

This is whole entry:
 <onclick condition="!String.IsEmpty(Weather.Plugin)">ActivateWindow(music,Addons,radio)</onclick>
 <onclick condition="String.IsEmpty(Weather.Plugin)">ReplaceWindow(Music,addons,music,Radio)</onclick>
 <property name="menu_id">Radiostacje</property>
 <property name="id">radio</property>

There are my tries - music,addons,radio etc. I'm not even sure which entry should I change...
Found it!
Correct answer is ActivateWindow(Music,"plugin://plugin.audio_de/stations/my/",return)
I have also found where to change focus screen, not configured yet, but working on it.
if they are radio plug-ins
this is the add on code you just need to paste in  <control type="group" id="13000">

<include content="WidgetListCategories" condition="System.HasPVRAddon">
       <param name="widget_header" value="$LOCALIZE[31148]"/>
       <param name="list_id" value="13900"/>
       <param name="pvr_submenu" value="true"/>
       <param name="pvr_type" value="Radio"/>

<include content="WidgetListSquare">
       <param name="content_path" value="addons://sources/audio/"/>
       <param name="widget_header" value="$LOCALIZE[1038]"/>
       <param name="widget_target" value="music"/>
       <param name="sortby" value="lastused"/>
       <param name="sortorder" value="descending"/>
       <param name="list_id" value="8200"/>
       <param name="fallback_icon" value="DefaultAddon.png"/>

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