Android Backup / Clone Kodi from one device to another
Hey guys,

I am already using Kodi on a Vero 4k and a Raspberry Pi 3. I also installed it now on Android Samsung Tablet S2.

I have two identical Tablets of Samsung Tablet S2 and my question is: Can I somehow clone one kodi to the other? Or make a backup and implement it on the other device? My library is huge and takes forever to scan.

On Rasperry and Vero4k I just make an image File and clone it to the other SD-Card.

Would be happy if you could help me out...

Find where your data is stored - something along the lines of Android > data > org.xbmc.kodi.
Copy that folder to the same place on your second device.
thanks @trogggy I will give it a try and report back...
On my S2 (Android 7) it's under /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xmbc.kodi/files/.kodi

Note th e dot before the lowest folder name (.kodi) - it's a hidden folder which you may need to adjust settings to see.

As Trogggy says, just clone that.
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I just wanted to write and say my folder is empty. Thanks for your reply. Using ES File Explorer you need to check first "Show hidden Files".

Thanks for your additional comment @DarrenHill

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