Android Shield frame skipping
I have a frustrating issue with frames being dropped on my Shield and I'm trying to narrow down the culprit.

I don't stream any content. It all comes from my local network. 

The shield is connected to my router through gigabit switches and cat 7 cable. Up the loft I cut one of the cables, terminating each end and put in a gigabit switch. The connectors I bought were not very good so I've got better connectors and at some point I will go back up the loft and reterminate the cables.

This may be an issue so I'd like to be able to check samba speeds, and/or network speeds and/or any other way of finding if there's an issue here. I'm keen to investigate before I reterminate the cables because I want to find out if there was an issue or not.

Frame skips are not common but they happen perhaps once or twice a minute. Most of the time though it's a slight annoyance and I'm left wondering if there was a frame skip or not. Replaying the section where I think I noticed a frame skip will usually not show a frame skip.

I'm finding this on 1080p content up to 4K HDR. I'm watching on a fairly good 65 inch TV so it does seem to exaggerate any issues like frame skipping or audio sync.

I'm using Leia alpha, but I could switch to another version if that helped. 

I did have a text display thing that showed the load on CPU cores, but I've noticed that shows 0% on all 4 cores no matter what I do.

It's a frustrating thing for me because I find I'm watching for frame skips now rather than watching the content, and sometimes I end up with a bit of a headache from it. 

I'm open to any ideas to see if I can find the issue.

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