Android Shield - External HDD - Obliged to add movie manually
Hi Folks,

First of all, I'm sorry for my poor English.

Here is my issue. I'm using the last version of Kodi on my Nvidia Shield and my movies are on an external HDD (exfat formatted). The movies are in a root folder named "Movies" then the moviews are directly in the folder (for example \hddWhatEver\movies\myMovie.mkv). 

When I add the movies folder as a new source, after the scraper setting... my library is fully scaned with everything. NICE! 

But then, when I add a new movie in the external HDD, the only way for me to add it to the library is to find the movie and select from the menu "scan item to library" as mentionned in the wiki (3.5 Add Individual Titles). 

I've set the "update library on startup", I try the refresh library, scan for new content... everything mentionned in the wiki. The only way, again, is the Add Individual Titles.

Is it normal with my setting/hardware, or do I miss something?

THANKS a lot for your replies.


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Android Shield - External HDD - Obliged to add movie manually0