Cannot add repository
Hello I just installed Kodi 17.6

I try to install a third party repository.

So I follow these steps:

1 Begin on your Kodi home screen
2 Click on the settings icon, then go to File Manager
3 Click on Add source

And than .... nothing happens.
No screen popping up or anything.

Tried to reinstall Kodi. It didn't work.

What could be going on? Can anybody help me?
I just found it out. The add source button text does respond to the pointer of my mouse but then the pop-up box does not come up.
It only responds when I shut down the pointer,go to the add source button with my arrow buttons and then press enter.
(2018-08-14, 13:48)Webdrifter Wrote: Hello I just installed Kodi 17.6
Onto which type of hardware? Kodi 17.6 has been tested and used extensively for almost two years, it seems a bit odd that something is not working correctly.

(2018-08-14, 13:48)Webdrifter Wrote: I try to install a third party repository.
If the 3rd party repo itself is not functional, don't blame us. Also keep our forum rules (wiki) in mind.

(2018-08-14, 13:48)Webdrifter Wrote: And than .... nothing happens.
No screen popping up or anything.
Perhaps your Kodi setup has other problems as well. Without a debug log (wiki) file we cannot tell from here if something went wrong.

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Cannot add repository0