Video Backdrops
My movies are nested inside of folders that share the movie name, and I have video backdrops (titled theme.mp4) for each movie which are nested in a folder named backdrops.  I have installed the TV melodies addon, and from reading the support thread for that addon, I get the impression that it might be possible to enable video backdrops for my movies depending on weather the skin supports it.  Looking over some information about black glass nova, I noticed that TVTunes has been supported in the past so I would like to ask weather or not there is some way to enable video backdrops in black glass nova on Kodi 18?  I hope I explained everything clearly, and thank you for the help.
If the addon does not need any skin changes, it will worlk.
I would check before if the addon is working with the defaukt skin.
Ok, thanks for the help.

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