Problems madVR and LG 910V (Limited/Full RGB)
Hi guys, I´m having problems with colour space, I´d appreciate any help. First of all, this is my hardware/software:
KODI: 17.6
AMD Drivers: Adrenalin Edition 18.8.1

I´ve tried to set up TV black levels to high (0-255) and PC mode, AMD drivers to FULL RGB 4:4:4 and madVR range to 0-255. I´ve tried to use one of those patterns to calibrate contrast & brightness, but when I play it with madVR through KODI I can´t see bars <16 or >235 (it doesnt matter how low or high contrast and brightness are). While watching movies it looks like colours are washed out. If I set up TV black levels to low (16-235), it gets darker and I can´t barely see any black bar, but colours improve a lot and they are much more vibrant (but I lose shadow details).

I´ve made some tests, but I can´t still understand what´s going on:
Drivers YCBCR 4:4:4 LIMITED / TV 16-235 / MadVR 0-255: I can see al bars when playing patterns through VLC, but when I play them with madVR through KODI I can´t see bars <16 ni >235.
Drivers YCBCR 4:4:4 LIMITED / TV 0-255 / MadVR 0-255: Same but lighter image.
Drivers YCBCR 4:4:4 LIMITED / TV 16-235 / MadVR 16-235: I can see al bars when playing patterns through VLC, but when I play them with madVR through KODI I can´t see bars <16 ni >235.
Drivers YCBCR 4:4:4 LIMITED / TV 0-255 / MadVR 16-235: Same but lighter image.

Drivers RGB 4:4:4 FULL / TV 16-235 / MadVR 0-255: It´s very dark when playing VLC, but when I play them with madVR through KODI I can´t see bars <16 ni >235, quite dark too.
Drivers RGB 4:4:4 FULL / TV 0-255 / MadVR 0-255: I can´t see bars <16 ni >235 when playing with VLC ir with madVR through KODI.
Drivers RGB 4:4:4 FULL / TV 16-235 / MadVR 16-235: It´s very dark when playing VLC, but when I play them with madVR through KODI I can´t see bars <16 ni >235.
Drivers RGB 4:4:4 FULL / TV 0-255 / MadVR 16-235: I can´t see bars <16 ni >235 when playing with VLC ir with madVR through KODI, very bright image.

I don´t know a lot about this things, I´d appreciate any help.

Thank you very much.
When you set everything to full, 0-15 and 236-255 gets discarded and 16-235 is rescaled to 0-255.

Drivers RGB 4:4:4 FULL / TV 16-235 / MadVR 16-235: It´s very dark when playing VLC, but when I play them with madVR through KODI I can´t see bars <16 ni >235

This is the only option that gets you a bitperfect picture sans the slightly lossy YCC to RGB conversion. Experiment with madVR and/or TV brightness until you can see bar 15, then back it up until bar 16 disappears and you just barely - as your life depended on it- see bar 17. Sometimes you will have to accept that both bar 16 and 17 disappear since not all consumer TV's can differentiate such low levels properly* depending on gamma, espescially if you use gamma 2.4 which IMHO is the only right gamma. Basically if your picture feels washed out when you can see Bar 17, you might have to concentrate on bare 18, or even bar 19 in some cases. 

*(At least not without diving into the advanced menus and/or have calibration hardware - although you don't strictly need calibration hardware to set the right brightness - you may need it to compensate gamma levels elsewhere).

Depending on the TV, you might not see a lot of bars over 235, but that is alright.
Thanks for the fast answer.

I´ve tried again Drivers RGB 4:4:4 FULL / TV 16-235 / MadVR 16-235. The problem is that I can never see <16 in blacks or >235 in whites. There´s no information out of this range, I´ve experimented setting 100% brightness with AMD & TV & MadVR and when I play black clipping pattern everything is brighter, but I cant see <16 bar. The same happens with contrast and white pattern, ¿is this normal?.

By the way, I´m using gamma 2.4 on my TV.

Thank you again.
Maybe MadVR clips the BTB and WTW levels. I'm not familiar enough with madVR to say for sure. But if your windows desktop looks too deep and colorful, then at least you know your settings are right.
In the future, don't post this in the Kodi videoplayer forum. Why did it make sense to post here?

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Problems madVR and LG 910V (Limited/Full RGB)0