Completely disable guide / EPG
Hi everyone,
is there a way to completely disable importing the TV guide / EPG?

I use Kodi on an Android set top box and once started, it becomes almost impossible to move or select channels since the box becomes extremely slow when importing the TV guide / EPG. Since the import takes several minutes, it becomes impossible to use kodi during this step.

So, is there a way to avoid importing the TV guide? I do not need it, so I would like to remove it completely.

That must be some channel list you have there.

Depending on the backend used it might be possible not assigning an epg source to channels in the backend config.
Just thinking out loud...
I have an IPTV list that I can't change or edit so I'm only looking for a setting that blocks updating and downloading the EPG.
Is it possible?
Not that I know of.
mmm, and any other solutions? For example other addons...
Best advice I can give you is get a subscription with a legitimate provider (sat or cable) and use a pvr (wiki) backend with corresponding add-on. That should instantly solve your epg issue as well.

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Completely disable guide / EPG0