Req Wavpack compressed DFF/DSF stream - unsupported
Dear all,

wavpack has added, since v5 (and it's out for quite a while), an option to directly compress dff/dsf audio. The compression is great, my test file, Oldfield's 'Tubular Bells' part one, which is DFF of roughly 1 GB in size, it is compressed to around 470 MB, without conversion to wav - it comresses DFF stream directly to wavpack, and when playing back, it plays DFF stream, so you have to have decoder for that.
In Foobar it works perfectly. KODI supports wavpack, and it supports DFF, but it doesn't support wavpacked dff stream. It would be nice if you would add the support for that.
It has been a year, and I've just seen that it is in wrong sub.

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Wavpack compressed DFF/DSF stream - unsupported0