Titan BINGIE v1 (UPDATED 08/2019)
(2019-06-16, 13:15)cscott1 Wrote: every time I open Kodi from a cold start from an Android TV Channel (Kodi smart playlist / In progress TV Shows) on the shield with Kodi not running in the background I get a Bingie helper error... Just curious if this is reproducible on your end and if there is anything that can be done to remedy it? Its not a big deal I just open Kodi on a fresh start of my shield and Mi Box at the moment then hit the home button to go to the Android TV home screen and leave Kodi running in the background and I don't get the error but if its fixable that would be swell. 

I actually couldn't reproduce this on my end, but if you can and provide a debug log maybe something weird will show up. But my guess is that since loading from channel takes you directly to episodes view within the library which in turn calls bingie helper to extract the season list then it might be the case that it is called before it kodi finished its initial startup or something of that nature, so with debug log it will be easier to confirm if it's need fixing from addon side or kodi itself.

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