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Titan BINGIE v1 (UPDATED 08/2019)
Titan BINGIE (Kodi Leia)
v1.0.3 (10.08.19)

The new Titan for Kodi Leia is here.

watch gallery

Skin Review

(thanks @cscott!)

Feature Demonstration Videos
Search-engine - Vertical & horizontal fixed scrolling - auto-play trailers - spotlight - video info & osd

Main New Features:
BINGIE Layout - All new, all mighty.

 - features a Spotlight, Custom set widgets & spotlights both in Home & Hubs, My List, Rating Like/Dislike, Auto-Playing Trailers for Movies & TV Shows
 - Both vertical & horizontal fixed position movement!
 - New Built-In-Skin Search Engine with Suggestions
 - New Video Info Dialog - featuring My List and Rate This Title functioning with ability to go-to episodes from episode/tvshow's info and play/resume current/next episode for tvshows or Play from beginning
 - New Main-Menu
 - New OSD Panel & OSD Info
 - Up-Next integration
 - New Viewtypes (523-Bingie Main for the Netflix Library look and 525-Bingie Episodes with the ability to toggle seasons and episodes on one screen!)
- UWP Support - XBOX and Kodi version from Windows Store is finally supported!
And Many MANY More...

Required Repositories :
- BINGIE Repository: BINGIE Repository is the home of this skin and all its necessary add-ons. 
Note that my Repo includes my updated versions for the addons and most are not available on other repositories.
Additional Add-ons(not required)
Artwork Beef : This addon is supported both by the skin and updated version of skin helper (Get from Rector Stuff Repository, also available on bingie repo)
- Up Next - is integrated and is used to watch next episode in netflix-like fashion. Is available in Kodi official repo.
- BINGIE Movie Genre Icons - this is not a requirement but is available in bingie repository, install and set as resource in general settings to have the green bricks shown in images on genres and category widget.

Translations (How Can I help?)
SOME of the new labels are not localized, there's nothing I can do about it as I'm not omni-lingual. If someone's interested in translating, strings are available inside the skin dir, you could compare string from main (en_gb) to your language and send them to me so I could share with everyone else. You may contact me for help in this matter.

Special Thanks to @marcelveldt for all of his work on the original code for Titan skin & his addons, his work is what set the foundations to make all that possible.
Thanks to @mardukL for helping out all along the way, from the very get-go he was the one who started the resurrection of Titan, helped me to start my kodi-skinner path and a lot of great ideas since then!
Thanks to @samfisher for his AMAZING work on the splash animation and new logo design!
Thanks to @sualfred and @jurialmunkey for setting the example of how to be awesome in coding practices and creative ideas!
and everyone else that helped or contributed in any way!

1. In Kodi -> Addons -> click "install from zip", choose either the downloaded repo file here
OR add the following address to kodi in 'file manager': 
and get the zip file from there.
2. Choose in add-ons, Install from repository -> bingie repository -> Look and Feel -> Skin -> Install 'Titan BINGIE'.

If you're experiencing any issues - please add some background information about the system you're running it on - OS, Kodi build is the bare minimum, in addition to the problem description. And sometimes there's no escape from a proper debug log.
and do me a favor, be specific and descriptive as you can to help me help you.

CHANGELOG (v1 changelog, beta changelog)

v1.0.3 (10.08.2019) [TEMP - only partial]
    - Bingie home complete rewrite including the spotlight
    - Most of the default widgets are now library-based/built-in for FASTER widget loading (Built-in 'Categories', 'My List' widgets have been added to widget choice dialog).
    - Vertical movement redesigned and improved
    - 2 new viewtypes - Bingie Main Landscape & Bingie Main Poster
    - New: Categories Hub, exclusively used with the BUILT-IN categories widgets
    - New Video buttons layout, OSD panel and functionality, also supports live tv (Bingie Video OSD in settings), new seek indicators
    - OSD new functionality features: Rated mpaa pop-up right after playing, auto-close osd (transitioned from sh based to built in), auto pause when osd shows.
    - New Hub: PVR Hub, with widgets for last played, channels, recordings and 'categories'. New layouts for information to channels and option to auto-preview channels (under general         settings->trailers->allow pvr preview)
    - New episodes tag supported in posters as well
    - Improved 'Watch X now' logic, will now show 'Watch Season [last added season] Now' for tv show that has new episodes.
    - Forced views rewrite (built-in implementation), lock/unlock from context menu in library view
    - Removed or replaced SH functions with built-in skin to improve functionality and performance
    - Low Performance removed for Bingie layout
    - Auto close of videoosd can be turned on/off in video playback options (hardcoded for 4 sec delay)
    - Option for 'force stop video playback when pressing back' is now enabled by default, this new setting stops player if pressing back from full-screen video and player is NOT playing            live TV.
    - Added option to search for addons in bingie search engine
    - Added new font
    - A lot more cosmetic and under-the-hood changes, bug fixes and improvements 

v1.0.2 (02.05.2019)
    - New Feature: Ability to configure Limit, Sort By and Sort Order for each widget seperatly
    - New Feature: Keep showing spotlight info while focusing mainmenu
    - New Color: Bingie Slim-Menu Panel Color
    - Default settings changes (only take effect on fresh install/reset settings)
        Some of the pre-configured widgets has changed for faster load-up
        Default widget limit adjusted to 30 instead of 250
        MainMenu panel color adjusted
        StudioLogo is off in BingieViews by default
    - Bingie Layout cosmetic adjustments and unification look for home/hub->dialoginfo->view525
    - Built-in playlists' limit adjusted to 200
    - Show temprature in tagoverlay for weather widget
    - 'New Episodes' indicator and spotlight buttons are auto-adjusting to label (for multi-language support)
    - Settings & Exit buttons replaced by PowerMenu content - can be configured and/or disabled
    - Added workaround to force order for season list in view525
    - Added 'British Series' playlist @scofield272
    - Change splash animation default to 1080p and add toggle option (1080p/2160p)
    - Replace bottom gradient overlay img on widgets in bingie layout with fade effect
    - Add setting to disable discart in OSD
    - Updated Hebrew translation @scofield272
    - Updated French translation @yoshitslc
    - Fix movie sets media flags and add shortcut for sets in movies' submenu
    - Fix issue with mainmenu labels and logo showing on slim-menu
    - Fix issue causing 'Window translator' errors in log
    - Fix issue with stopping live tv/recording when backing out of fullscreen
    - Fix issue with no border for 'similar' content from infodialog
    - Fix auto-trailer on spotlight first play
    - Fix issue with view525/523 and forced views
    - Fix issue with vignette not showing when no osd buttons on screen for bingie osd
    - Clean-up and revisit/rewrite of widget templates and config

v1.0.1 (03.04.2019)
    - New: BINGIE Start-up Animations in 4k (yeah buddy!), new Logos and Splash Screen Images.
      Splash Screen settings got its own section inside general settings tab, in which you could toggle between the two options for animations (full & shorter versions) or change to an image (also there's 2 options).
      (courtesy of @samfisher amazing work!)
    - Integrated Bingie Search to ALL layouts!
    - Integrated Bingie Search to music/video library and removed use of old SH search.
    - Fixed issue with widget styles missing for some layouts.
    - Fixed issue when pressing tvshows/movie in non-bingie layout returns to bingie hubs.
    - Fixed (but still wip) some issues regarding PVR osd art/info/progress-bar and updated Channel number input / seek time notification.
    - Fixed issue with focus on startup without spotlight.
    - Fixed (hopefully) issue with auto-trailers looping inside library view / for addons.
    - Fixed operation of the setting to default focus 'no' in dialogconfirm.
    - Fixed issue with media flags/codec needed disabling of additional info in home settings (now disabling is just for this view in context-menu)
    - Fixed issue with big plot overlay cannot be turned off in view523 (option is now available in context-menu)
    - Fixed language flags for large colored media flags and avoid missing gaps (but many language won't work since resources need to adapt ISO 639-2 three character code)
    - Added option to enlarge plot instead of additional info in bingie home.
    - Added option to disable studio logo in bingie dialog-info.
    - Added Game Controller Dialog (thanks @mardukL)
    - Added setting to limit number of items in all widgets (global limit)
    - Added more categories in search suggestions: Anime, Romantic Movies, Horror Movies, Music & Musicals.
    - Added 'Settings' shortcut to non-bingie layout.
    - Added support up-to 40 widgets with fixed vertical scrolling.
    - Hide tag overlay on categories (bingie bricks)
    - Moved 'New Episodes' tag-overlay setting to indicators (general settings) and added option to disable.
    - Changes to default color scheme: Darker color to Mainmenu Panel & OSD Cache Progress Bar, Transparent Footer Panel.
    - Changes to default settings: Showing profile logo and switch profile by default instead of logo, Unfocused border size=0.
    - Other minor stuff, fixes and code clean-up.

v1.0.0 (23.03.2019)
    - Initial Release
Good To Know

Widget & Spotlight Content
The widgets and spotlight for Home entry are set from Skin Settings->Configure Shortucts tab->Edit Shortcuts->Widgets for each entry
The spotlight is set from Skin Settings -> Homelayout tab-> Under Spotlight header
For HUBS, both spotlight & widgets are set from the hub's page, for this it should be unlocked first. this is done from Skin Settings->Configure Shortucts tab-> tick off 'Lock Widgets in Hubs', and then go to the hub you want to customize.
You can also have your own Hub or List, from Edit Shortcuts -> Add Shortcut -> in 'Common' directory from pop-up window you will have amongst other the option for 'MyHub' and 'My Custom List' and set them as explained above.

Auto-Play trailers
Auto-play of trailers is available both in BINGIE Views (Home & Hubs) and Library views that are supported.
They can be enabled for BINGIE Views in Homelayout tab.
And in context-menu in view type that are supported (e.g, Bingie Main).
After enabling you'll have the option to set the desired interval time from the moment item is focused to when it should start getting the trailer played.
More settings are available in General Settings, to toggle youtube trailers, toggle for tvshows and for non-library content (e.g, plugins).

Built-In Search
In addition to what's available by default, you can also add search results for music videos / music (artists/albums/songs) and results from youtube.
If the keyboard does not fit your needs, you can enable 'complete keyboard' option that will add a keyboard icon in search window that will take you to the full keyboard layout.
For Nvidia shield users - after opening up the 'complete keyboard' a long-press on any keyboard key will open the google assistant so you could record your search query.

Artwork Handling
In bingie views, the image shown in spotlight is set by the FANART of an item (or extrafanart if enabled).
and the image in the widget itself is:
1) if there's a LANDSCAPE img available then it would set that ('landscape.<ext>' in the movie/tvshow's dir)
2) if there's no LANDSCAPE img it will put the same fanart as in spotlight AND a clearlogo (if available) on top of it
So the best way to set up artwork is having landscape (an image with title) and fanart (an image without title). that would look best. have a title on the widget and different images for widget/spotlight image.
It can be edited in the skin with artwork beef (context-menu->manage-> AB options) or if you use a manager like Tiny Media Manager you can pre-select the fanart/landscape and when scraping to library it will be set up that way, and you won't have to do it each installation/within the skin itself.
Bro tip - in Artwork Beef settings you can configure it to download the selected images to your local storage, need enabling in each media's tab and general settings. then whatever you select will be downloaded so even if you reset/delete your library and then rescan it the artwork you've selected will stay put.
Bro tip #2 - For movies, give priority to artwork as it is categorized better and better chance for having 'clean' artwork, after that you can complete missing using tmdb. for tv shows tvdb is great.

Optimization / Perfomance
Titan is a fairly heavy skin, a lot of improvements within the code has been done to this version (v1 and onward) but to further improve performance:
How to make it a little faster?  Disabling un-used views - this skin has A LOT of viewtypes, you probably don't use half of them, if so it'd be better to disable them (you can enable them anytime later). from skin settings -> force views tab -> click on 'Enable/Disable Views' and tick off the views which you're not using.
Faster, please? For artwork beef users: artwork is very taxing. depends on the layout you're using, you can disable in artwork beef addon settings the artwork that you will not need, you can always get them later...For ex, in BINGIE Layout, most of the artwork used is landscape/fanart/thumbs and clearlogo. Consider that when pulling artwork... Also, if you already pulled a lot of artwork or changed a lot via Artwork Beef, consider deleting the content of 'Thumbnails' folder inside userdata dir. The folder saves a lot of images and can grow very fast, if you're satisfied with your current artwork set-up, delete that. it will take kodi a while to re-construct the images but the folder size can shrink in size dramatically.
Can widget loading be faster? Regarding loading of widgets: Widgets from library node/smartplaylist will be much much faster than widgets from plugin source, including skin helper widgets that does a pre-processing. Most of the widgets are possible to make with only smartplaylists, with the exception of Mixed media and widgets based on trakt/tmdb or other plugin source. the skin supplies many playlists that you can choose from videolibrary->playlists when setting a widget. If you limit non-smartplaylist widget to a bare minimum and use smartplaylist for most you can have even 40 widgets that load in less than 5sec (which is shorter than the splash animation so you won't even notice). if you're using plugin sources, try and use library integration to integrate them into you library database, this will result in them acting like local items = FAST.

Local Trailers
BINGIE has the ability to get local trailer both for movies and tv shows and if not found, then look them up in youtube.
Local trailers will always work better and faster and are recommended for user who use auto-trailer function, especially with shorter interval times.
Movie trailers are handled by kodi, they need to have naming pattern of 'movie-trailer'.ext or <movie-filename>.ext (ext for extension, eg mp4, etc)
and it's should be noted that when scanning library fetching of trailer within scraper should be toggled off so it will not overwrite local trailers.
TV Show trailers are handled by Script Bingie Helper and need to have the following naming pattern:
1) 'tvshow-trailer'.ext
or 2) <tvshow-directory-name>.ext
and need to be placed in main directory of the tv show. it is better to use 'tvshow-trailer'.ext since for some widgets (from skin helper widget) this is the only pattern that can be properly fetched.

Ratings Meta (and API keys in general)
For ratings from IMDB, TMDB, TVDB, Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic
1) Make sure they are enabled in 'Media Library Views' tab under 'Media Flags, Ratings ......' (they should be ON by default)
2) To enable them in BINGIE views, go to homelayout tab and enable them under 'Footer' header (tick OFF the setting 'Disable ratings flags in bingie views...')
To enable them in libraries, in 'Media Library Views' tab, tick off the setting 'Do not show footer in views'
3) [THIS IS DONE PRIOR TO LIBRARY SCAN] Use scrapers and set in there settings to get ratings from IMDB & TMDB for movies (e.g Universal scraper). and TVDB & IMDB for tv shows (e.g TVDB Scraper).
4) Go to Skin Settings -> Supported addons -> select 'Metadata and Artwork Module', switch to 'API Keys' tab, and fill with your API keys.
For Rottern Tomatoes & MetaCritic you'll need to have an OMDB key - you can get it from here
for TMDB Key -
Fanart key is not important for ratings but is for fanart images in the skin, get from

Skin Helper Widget
Among the other updated addons this has the most interest to the user as I added many more new widgets in Skin Helper Widget Addon.
For 'My List' widget, enable in addon setting and it will show in movies/tvshows/mixed.
New widgets - Popular/Trending/Most Played/Most Watched (based on Trakt/TMDB) has been added and needs to be enabled in addon's setting and also have Extended Info addon installed. these widgets are discussed here.
Many more widgets: new releases, top picks, ability to sort playlists by desired order, popular, recent shows & movies and many more are discussed here.

- Atmos & DTS-X are now supported in media flags (with the exception of atmos in colored flags, if someone can supply a fitting png it will be added) - you just need to have 'atmos' and 'dtsx/dts-x' somewhere in your filename.
- Ratings in video info is available when clicking ''plot & critics".
- The classic Titan info dialog was added and is available if bingie video info is toggled off.
- Bingie main view is able to switch between Poster/Landscape view ('swap poster' option in context-menu) and switch between horizontal/vertical navigation.
- When fixed position for vertical scrolling is enabled, you will only be able to switch widget layout for ALL of the widgets. They can only be changed on individual-base when this setting is off.
- The skin shows information dialog for video items by default, this is done within the skin and so it can be toggled off/on in skin settings. note that this behavior applies just for widgets (home, search & hubs) and not for libraries. This is done because if using Kodi setting to change default select action, it will show information for all items, including libraries (which is good for video library, not so much for other types) and also will show info for each episode (also quite annoying I believe).
Congrats. Dont expexted it so fast... Wink
Does this support Live TV?
Wow! Great work!
Fantastic Mod! Been playing around with it on my RPi3 and found no issues. Loving the new Information screen. Thanks.
(2018-08-22, 08:18)UbuntuUser Wrote: Does this support Live TV?
It should function at least as good as it was with default Titan, since I haven't changed any of the core action of PVR in this skin, however it may look different.
I wasn't able to test it myself thus far unfortunately, but you're welcome to leave ur feedback.
installation failed
(2018-08-23, 08:51)irafihggnaba Wrote: installation failed
 If you got the (or something to that effect) error it is because you have to have both repo's enabled, the BINGIE Repository and Marcelveldt's BETA Repository.
(2018-08-23, 03:29)cartman.dos Wrote: Thanks.
(2018-08-22, 08:18)UbuntuUser Wrote: Does this support Live TV?
It should function at least as good as it was with default Titan, since I haven't changed any of the core action of PVR in this skin, however it may look different.
I wasn't able to test it myself thus far unfortunately, but you're welcome to leave ur feedback. 
Well I did test it and I have to say this skin is beautiful, hands down the best skin available for Kodi 18.  LiveTV looks awesome.  My only question would be how do you get to the menu where you can edit artwork or refresh if it scans in wrong?  In regular Titan it is just info but in BINGIE info does not show you that stuff.

Thanks, UbuntuUser
(2018-08-23, 09:02)UbuntuUser Wrote:
(2018-08-23, 08:51)irafihggnaba Wrote: installation failed
 If you got the (or something to that effect) error it is because you have to have both repo's enabled, the BINGIE Repository and Marcelveldt's BETA Repository. 
 yes i know. but still
all the dependencies installed succesfuly except "script.module.pil (not available)". maybe its the reason why the skin instalation failed?
(2018-08-23, 09:08)UbuntuUser Wrote:
(2018-08-23, 03:29)cartman.dos Wrote: Thanks.
(2018-08-22, 08:18)UbuntuUser Wrote: Does this support Live TV?
It should function at least as good as it was with default Titan, since I haven't changed any of the core action of PVR in this skin, however it may look different.
I wasn't able to test it myself thus far unfortunately, but you're welcome to leave ur feedback.  
Well I did test it and I have to say this skin is beautiful, hands down the best skin available for Kodi 18.  LiveTV looks awesome.  My only question would be how do you get to the menu where you can edit artwork or refresh if it scans in wrong?  In regular Titan it is just info but in BINGIE info does not show you that stuff.

Thanks, UbuntuUser 
Thanks! Are we talking about dialog info buttons? if So, there's still the option to refresh & change artwork (with artwork beef).
If not, a screenshot/more info about what you're looking or a pic from default titan will help to get what you mean exactly.
all the dependencies installed succesfuly except "script.module.pil (not available)". maybe its the reason why the skin instalation failed?
First thing you should look at the kodi log.
Second, about script.module.pil not being available, if I remember currently this script is lacking from the UWP version (xbox for ex.). which version are u running on which os?
Installed and it was fantastic.
I have a little problem with Next Up notification.
It seem not working.
Any suggestions?
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