How to change/add Actors pics ?

Some Actors don't have pictures.
I think it's possible to edit a NFO, but where is the NFO to edit ? Do I have to create a new NFO ?

Thank you for your help.
You could edit the episode .nfo file for a movie or tv episode, and alter the actor tags, and re-import/rescrape it, but that's a lot of work.

<name>Ramon De Ocampo</name>
OK, thanks !
And do you know how I could remove actors from the actors list ? (some of them are useless)
(2018-08-23, 10:58)Groooompf Wrote: (some of them are useless)
Such gratitude towards the actors... lol.
Simply remove them from the nfo file, delete the movie/show, and rescrape them locally.
(2018-08-23, 11:02)Klojum Wrote: Simply remove them from the nfo file, delete the movie/show, and rescrape them locally.

Not saying that this is wrong. But I would also check if the actor also was part in other movies/tv-shows. If so, you have to remove the actor from any NFO where he might be mentioned.
As said, it would be a lot of work. Also, some actors have minor (useless) roles in some movies, and perhaps play the main role in another movie. Do you delete him/her then as well? It's a per movie/tvshow decision.

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How to change/add Actors pics ?0