Solved letterbox bars show background
Well I was going into settings to get my logs today and I realized that I probably had some things set in my advancedsettings.xml.

Looking around, there were things dating back five or more years to my old mk809ii that had been successively restored along with my library backups onto every new device. None of them apply any more (much more powerful devices, FTTH instead of ADSL, etc etc) so i reset everything to stock.

Lo and behold, solid black bars!

It even cleared up a barely noticeable stutter that happened on scene changes in certain videos.

Moral of the story: Kodi is getting more and more capable, as is the hardware it runs on; fine tuning that used to be obligatory isn't needed as much, if at all!

Messages In This Thread
letterbox bars show background - by phanmo - 2018-09-16, 09:15
RE: letterbox bars show background - by phanmo - 2018-09-17, 14:20
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