v17 Pixel ratio adjustment value resets every time I've remote desktoped my HTPC
I keep having problems with Kodi and remote desktop. I solved some other problems, but I can't fix this one. My problem is that every time I've accessed my htpc using remote desktop, even if Kodi isn't running (it's not just used for Kodi, I use it for a bunch of other stuff), the pixel ratio adjustment resets to default, which makes everything stretched. It's becoming a pain in the rear to have to calibrate every time I want to watch something. Any idea how to fix it? I assume it has something to do with remote desktop temporarily changing the Windows resolution. Thanks.
I'll assume you are correct, Kodi sniffs out the graphic card on start, and using a remote desktop it's likely not seeing the gfx engine and default reigns. the work-round would be to inject your pre-set guisettings.xml into the launch with some sort of batchfile start-up. Try temporarily switching skins to a different one and back again, as doing so also triggers a settings save.
Thanks. I'm not starting Kodi using RD, though. The problem is that the next time I start Kodi after a remote desktop session (doing other stuff), the pixel ratio is back to default. I don't change the settings very often, would it be possible to solve it by making some .ini file(s) read only (which?), forcing Kodi to read the value from the ini file? (Just guessing here)

When I remote desktop to my work computer from home (switching resolutions and switching from two screens to two) it also screws with the layout of open programs, but I haven't experienced something being affected when it's not running.
Kodi saves the screen disposition on exit (e.g windowed mode and placment, full screen res etc) so on shutdown remote save is elsewhere. Your mention of 'read only' attribute might work but it's something I'm unfamiliar with and in all likelyhood would lock a lot of other settings which in turn would crash out. All the user attributes are going to be in the guisettings.xml file in Userdata (wiki) settings but the defaults are hardcoded inside Kodi.



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Pixel ratio adjustment value resets every time I've remote desktoped my HTPC0