AMT script - Movie posters not showing
I recently backed-up User Data folder to my PC before I updated to T3CH's latest build. In order to speed up the process and save some room I deleted the AMT script_data cache folder.

Now when I use the AMT script, the movie posters don't show up. I tried refreshing the genres, but that didn't help. Anyone know how to fix this?

I just pulled the debug log, so if that helps I'll post it if it'll help...Thanks!
apple is doing something with their trailer xmls. for now use the Apple Movie Trailer II plugin in the xbmc-addons svn until i can resolve this.
For python coding questions first see
Will doNod
[Apple Movie Trailers]
- changed: version -> pre-0.99.5a
- fixed: Apple changed their xml files causing limited trailers (there are now over 1800 not including multiple trailers per movie)
- changed: __init__ all sub classes
- changed: English language strings id(36)
- changed: genre_category_list sql to use favorite for completed count

hopefully that fixes your issue
For python coding questions first see

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