MAME 2003 - 2P Play
Hello everybody.

Yesterday I was trying to play a 2P game (SuperPang - Emulator = Mame 2003) using a Gamesir G3S.

Both the  gamepads are correcly configured, anyway when i enter the game only one gamepad can "insert coin" and "press start" , so the second gamepad is unable to play.

Anyone can help me? Do I have to cngigure something or it is just a missing feature?
Thank you,
Can you upload a debug log? I've added a lot of controller information there, so it could show us what's going on.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth

i believe we have the same issue mentioned by davidl77 

this is my debug.log, i am available if you need anything
ihibiboruk.kodi (paste)

i thing that build 930 is the last one that let me have two players.....

hope this helps

(2018-12-01, 17:14)mcarni Wrote: i believe we have the same issue mentioned by davidl77 

this is my debug.log, i am available if you need anything
ihibiboruk.kodi (paste)

i thing that build 930 is the last one that let me have two players.....
Thanks for the debug log. It'll help when I'm able to look into this. My time is limited how, but hopefully over Xmas break I can investigate. I've added the issue to my list of controller bugs to track it:
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
Hi there, I can use the kodi most recently used controller inside mame, but the second controller doesn't seem to be recognised inside mame .I exit out of mame, use the other controller to start the same game from kodi and that controller is now recognised within mame (the other one is now not recognised). I'm guessing that is by design at the moment, but any logs I can provide let me know .cheers Nathan .

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