How to list all unwatched movies ?
ok, this may be a basic question... I'm trying to switch from Zappiti to Kodi.
What I like in Zappiti is the navigation which allows to display the picture of all watched OR unwatched movies.
It seems to be a basic and mandatory feature: when i want to watch a movie I want to review all the ones that I didn't see not aaaall the library.

I can't figure out how to do that with Kodi.
The main navigation window shows:
- a random extract of unwatched movies: but just an extract
- a random extract of latest movies added
- search by category
- sets
I can also access the complete list of my library: but I've seen 80% so the navigation is painful. And the filter option seems to be only about 'in progress' movies.
So.... how can I get window showing only the unwatched movies (all of them) ??
Am I missing something Huh Do I need to install an add-on for this ?

You can set the Filter in View options in the hidden left pane in a movie listing to All videos, Watched or Unwatched.

Force your GUI cursor to the left and the options pane should slide out.
Thanks! It's trivial when you know it, but wasn't obvious to me...
Any way to get this list in a "poster view" ?
Just change to poster view.
(2018-12-04, 00:32)paoze Wrote: Any way to get this list in a "poster view" ?
Same option pane as above, at the top. Switch the viewtype to your favourite layout.

(2018-12-04, 00:35)Hitcher Wrote: Just change to poster view.

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How to list all unwatched movies ?0