Sometimes no sound after sound format change (e.g. 5.1 -> 2.0) in live stream

perhaps you can help me. I'm using Kodi Leia RC2 at the moment on a Sony Android TV (2017) with an AV-Receiver over HDMI (ARC) sound output. Settings are 2.0, passthrough and AC3 + AC3-E, "best match". All is working great.

While watching live tv (tvheadend) it happens very often that the sound format is changed because of a commercial break. So the movie starts with DD 5.1 -> change due to commercial break -> 2.0, movie starts again -> 5.1...

While this sound format change is normally no problem it happens sometimes that something goes wrong and there is no sound outputting anymore after such a change. This can happen in both directions for the change. The av receiver shows that there is no sound to receive over HDMI (ARC). When this happens it doesn't help to stop the channel on kodi. If you start and stop the channel in kodi there is still no sound.

At the moment there are 2 things I know how to "solve" the problem:
1) restarting kodi...
2) change the output destination to internal speakers and back to external speakers/av receiver
3) change the channel (or playback any file) that has a DIFFERENT sound format as the one that should currently being sent. That means if I'm watching a movie with 5.1 and commercial break begins with 2.0 sound and it happens that after this change there is no sound anymore it helps to change to a channel where something is being sent that is NOT 2.0 sound. I can change channels (or play music files) as long as I want. As long as they are also 2.0 there is no sound outputting to the av receiver. If I get a channel where is 5.1 currently sent, outputting starts immediately again and i can change back to my channel and wtch again without aproblem for hours.
The strange thing is that this can also happen in reverse: Sound is still working with 2.0 and is changed to 5.1 and the bug happens which means there is no sound anymore. I only have to play a file or change to a channel which has 2.0 sound and voilá: sound is working again and i can change back to my channel.

At the moment I have no LOG but I'm really trying hard to get one. But perhaps you already know this problem due to a shitty tv firmware or something... I just think that it is possible to solve this problem, because after something like a "manually reset" due to my manually change of the sound source the sound output works again like a charm. Perhaps it's possible to recognize that something went wrong after a sound format change and do this reset automatically.

Thanks for reading and thinking about it.
Hi again,

now it happend again. Here is a log:

No sound with passthrough over HDMI after a 5.1 -> 2.0 change while wat hing live tv. The source change from AC3 5.1 to AC3 2.0 happend at 21:19 in the log.
The AV Receiver showed that no sound was sent anymore. I tried to change channels to another 2.0 source an still got no sound. After that I tried aome options and finally deactivated passthrough and activated it again and now it's working again.
This is very annoying. I hope you can help. Do you need more infos/logs?

Thanks for your help
ok, after two commercial breaks without a problem it happened again now. Here is a log:

Between 22:59 and 23:09 channel was not switched. So there was no sound over HDMI (ARC) and no sound over SPDIF for ten minutes after the 5.1 to 2.0 change. Sound started again after the source switched back from 2.0 to 5.1 at 23:09.
Why does this happen only sometimes? Very often the change between 5.1 and 2.0 and back is absolutely no problem.

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Sometimes no sound after sound format change (e.g. 5.1 -> 2.0) in live stream0