Solved Windows 10 Windows Defender thinks Kodi is not safe and causes delay issues!

Under Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit Windows Defender causes a major delay when deleting the Kodi.exe.

Also I have noticed when you copy the Kodi.exe from one computer that runs Avast to another that's running  Windows Defender it slows down the writing to the hard drive.

And last every time I install a new Kodi nightly build Windows Defender blocks it because it thinks it is not safe!

You guys really should let Microsoft know Kodi is safe and not a virus!

Considering Kodi is available on the windows store for download, it's likely the gang at MS know Kodi is safe. I would have suggested this is just a false positive on behalf of WD, but reading into your message re: copying the executable instead of just installing perhaps there is an issue in your set-up. Regardless I've been using Avast for years without issue, false positives are just a way of life with updates, just pay attention to the places you're downloading from and use trusted sources.
Turn WD off. I don't think I ever read anything positive about it other than it's included in the O/S which doean't mean you have to use it.
Thats a bad idea.  Not only is Defender classed as pretty good these days, offering better protection than a lot of commercial products, it tends to break much less stuff than 3rd party AV/malware products.

If you want good stuff to read regarding this

The delay is probably the 0 day protection checking online as it doesn't recognise the kodi executable hash. 

Its your computer and you're free to disable this if you like, however its doing what its doing for a *good* reason, blindly getting users to disable it and hopefully installing another product that might be worse may not be the best idea

If the issue is only with kodi.exe nighly it may be easier to exclude it in defender
Good news!

I tried to submit Kodi file to Microsoft Windows Defender security intelligence for analysis but the file is to big as they only except up to 50MB

However I explained the issue and told them to just download any of the Kodi builds to see the issue.

And sure enough just 1 day later I see that they have removed the detection of Kodi.

I am very impressed that Microsoft fixed this so quickly.

Submission details

I did have to clear the cached detection and obtain the latest malware definitions.

It seems better but now I am not sure it's completely fixed just yet.
(2019-01-07, 23:20)gate1975mlm Wrote: I am very impressed that Microsoft fixed this so quickly.
Frankly, I'm amazed they fix it at all. All those post-teenagers they have working for them do is add more useless features while removing useful ones. Rofl
Thread marked solved.
Actually latest nightly build was just blocked again Sad

Not sure what is going on but I know that when I used Avast it never blocked Kodi.

Looks like I will just have to add Kodi to the exclusions list.
I've noticed Windows Active Protection also attempts to block install of nightly builds. This can be easily bypassed, but since it seems that nightly builds do not come with a authentic publisher certificate, Windows flags the installer (and the resulting install) as un-trusted.

The solutions being, as suggested above, add Kodi to the excluded files list, or simply stick to installing / using official public Kodi releases, and not development builds which lack the publisher certification Windows is looking for.

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Windows 10 Windows Defender thinks Kodi is not safe and causes delay issues!0