Kodi 18 cant play compressed videofiles?
Hi, when you go into the videosection and want to play a compressed or packed mkv-movie the file doesnt show up.
But if you want to play a uncompressed or unpacked file it shows up and works as normal.
All the other versions of Kodi works with compressed files. Why not in Kodi 18?
Because of the this

So fix your videos according to the official standard
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I dont understand what this have to do with my question
And what is the offical standard?
Oh sorry you meant rar/zipped files? Then ignore what i said
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Yes, that is what i mean.
For v18, you need to install and enable vfs.rar addon, you can find it under addons. (It's a binary addon).
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
I cant find vfs.rar
Add-ons > Install from repository > Virtual file systems

Enable the appropriate one(s)
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Kodi 18 cant play compressed videofiles?0