v18 Found a negative 1 index file in my MySql Database
I use a MySQL database behind my kodi for the simple use of multiple Kodi's around the house. I love Kodi and use these two for years now. For a while now i'm using my own writen site to manage my database with eas. But from the last version 17.6, I noticed that a couple of shows in my database where not shown so I investigated. While searching for the error i noticed that the missing shows had a negative one (-1) as notivication where (usually) the field is reserved voor ID of the show. And i really don't understand why this is happening. I have already searched these 3 shows in the TVDB databases and they are all there.

*sorry for my bad english, not my native language.

How did you initially scan the TV Shows into your library? Did you use the Kodi scrapers or did you use NFO Files created by a media manager like Sonarr?
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Found a negative 1 index file in my MySql Database0