'Extras' folders within each TV Season folder not showing
I'm having trouble with placing per-season Extras folders for TV shows, they don't seem to get read at all.

For example, in the following layout none of the extras are shown when you look in the Context Menu for each season, only a YouTube link is displayed:

/Doctor Who/Season 1/<first episode.mkv>
/Doctor Who/Season 1/<second episode.mkv>
/Doctor Who/Season 1/<lots more episodes.mkv>
/Doctor Who/Season 1/<last episode.mkv>
/Doctor Who/Season 1/Extras/Season1.Extra-1.mkv
/Doctor Who/Season 1/Extras/Season1.Extra-2.mkv
/Doctor Who/Season 1/Extras/Season1.Extra-More.mkv

/Doctor Who/Season 2/<first episode.mkv>
/Doctor Who/Season 2/<second episode.mkv>
/Doctor Who/Season 2/<lots more episodes.mkv>
/Doctor Who/Season 2/<last episode.mkv>
/Doctor Who/Season 2/Extras/Season2.Extra-1.mkv
/Doctor Who/Season 2/Extras/Season2.Extra-2.mkv
/Doctor Who/Season 2/Extras/Season2.Extra-More.mkv

If I create just one Extras folder at the root level for the whole show (e.g. /Doctor Who/Extras/ ) then those files do get displayed, but obviously I don't want hundreds of extras that span more than 50 years of television in one huge unmanageable list, I want to access them broken down in season-by-season Context Menus for each year's folder.

They don't get read. Extras add-on only reads the Extras folder in the TV Show folder, not Season folders.
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That's a shame, makes it pretty useless for multi-year TV shows - can you imagine how long the list of files would be for a series like Doctor Who?! Smile Although it'd be fine for the extras on single-movie DVDs I guess.

There is another add-on that does the same thing... https://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:Special_Features

Might be worth asking if Season Extra folders are used there or if the developer is interested in including it... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=327042
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'Extras' folders within each TV Season folder not showing0