Fire TV 1st Gen, Kodi 17 - Screen goes blank for a second while watching
    I'm having a problem that is more an annoyance than a showstopper, but wondering if anyone knows a fix or workaround.

    The issue is: While watching a video, either a local network AVI file or streaming LiveTV (MythTV Server), the screen will occasionally, momentarily go blank.  When the video comes back, the Kodi info screen is up (video info, playback control, etc).  I click the back button on the remote and then it's fine.  There doesn't seem to be any triggering event that I'm able to find.

    The FireTV is wired to the network.  The TV is an LG plasma.  There is a 3-way HDMI switcher between the FireTV and TV, with converted optical audio feeding my surround system.  The switcher is a "J-Tech Digital HDMI 1.4 Switch Switcher Box Selector 3 In 1 Out HDMI Audio Extractor Splitter with Optical SPDIF & RCA L/R Audio Out & Remote Con"

    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Fire TV 1st Gen, Kodi 17 - Screen goes blank for a second while watching0