What is final step to stream iphone via bluetooth to rpi3
I have paired the phone and pi successfully.  My audio is out to home theatre amp via HDMI, but I am not hearing any audio even though my phone shows playing file to libreelec.  What is the next step or setting needed to hear the audio, pls.  Thank.
I suppose this is one of those that people may think is covered completely in some youtube video.... but no.  I see where someone has found how to switch the output to earphone jack rather than HDMI, but I am already on HDMI for all my audio.  Other web tips do not seem to solve this....I will let you all know if I find an answer.  Thanks anyway.
Ok, it seems I need to do this.  or do I, since I have already paired and connected the iphone..  let's see/  (And if I need to do this, .....remember I am playing the audio through HDMI to a home theatre amp....... does this device have a mac address such as I need in the final step?  Thanks.

1. Enabling Audio Profile Sink Role
1-1. Remove already running bluealsa .[1]
1sudo rm /var/run/bluealsa/*
1-2. Add A2DP profile Sink role.
1sudo bluealsa -p a2dp-sink &
2. Bluetooth Pairing and Connection
2-1. Launch BlueZ command line interface.
2-2. Setup a pairing agent.
2agent on
2-3. Make the Raspberry Pi discoverable.
1discoverable on
2-4. On your phone, search and select your Raspberry Pi from Bluetooth menu.
2-5. Confirm the pairing on both your phone and Raspberry Pi.
2Request confirmation
[agent] Confirm passkey 847261 (yes/no): yes
2-6. Authorize A2DP service (first 32 bits: 0000110d). [2]
2Authorize service
[agent] Authorize service 0000110d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (yes/no): yes
Note: You may be asked about other services (such as HFP: 0000111E) depending on what services your phone supports. Just answer ‘yes’ to all the services if you are not sure.
2-7. Trust the phone so that Raspberry Pi will automatically accept connections from the phone from the next time.
1trust XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Note: Replace “XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX” with your phone’s Bluetooth device address.
2-8. Exit from BlueZ command line interface.
3. Audio Routing
3-1. Forward audio from the phone to Raspberry Pi’s output.
1bluealsa-aplay 00:00:00:00:00:00
4. Verify
4-1. Launch a media player and play some music on your phone. You should be able to hear the music from Raspberry Pi’s speaker.

Then this Huh

You need to make a .asoundrc file in your home directory
Code: Select all
defaults.bluealsa.interface "hci0" defaults.bluealsa.device "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx" defaults.bluealsa.profile "a2dp" defaults.bluealsa.delay 10000
where xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx is the mac address of your Bluetooth speaker.

Then open ./kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml
Code: Select all
<audiooutput> ... <audiodevice>ALSA:bluealsa</audiodevice> ...

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What is final step to stream iphone via bluetooth to rpi30