Solved Version 3.0: How to remove NR (not rated) from rename pattern
Version 3.0
In my movie rename pattern, I have the following 

${title} (${movie.releaseDate;date(yyyy)}) [${videoFormat}] [${certification}]

Which gives me Something like this:

Always Be My Maybe (2019) [1080p] [not rated]

However, in version 2.x, I had found a way that if the rating was NR, it would leave off the " [not rated]" in the name.  For the life of me I can't remember how I did it, if it was just an option, or some way I was able to create the pattern that caused it to work this way.

Unfortunately, like an idiot, I "updated" to V3.0 instead of installing new in a different directory and can't figure out what I did to make this work.  Looking at the data_old_v2, all I see in the config.xml for the renamer part is the following

<movieRenamerFilename>$E ($Y) [$F] [$C]</movieRenamerFilename>
<movieRenamerPathname>$E ($Y) [$F] [$C]</movieRenamerPathname>

Anyone have any ideas on how to do this?
NVM  I figured it out..

${titleSortable} (${movie.releaseDate;date(yyyy)}) [${videoFormat}] [${-,certification}]

Put -, before certification
(2019-06-05, 13:19)j4bber-wock Wrote: NVM  I figured it out..

${titleSortable} (${movie.releaseDate;date(yyyy)}) [${videoFormat}][${-,certification}]

Put -, before certification
Having the same issue since updating to 3.0 but this fix is not resolving it for me.

As soon as I put the - the certification is no longer listed in the title.
Anyone have any thoughts?

This is my current one which does not work:  ${titleSortable} [${year}] (${-,certification}) [${videoFormat}]

No certification is ever listed.

This one lists it as unknown if the title is not rated:

${title} [${year}] (${certification}) [${videoFormat}]

Anything else I can do to only have it work when there actually is a rating?
to exclude NOT_RATED _and_ UNKNOWN, the syntax get a bit more complicated:

${if !movie.certification = "not rated"}${if !movie.certification = "unknown"}${[,certification,]}${end}${end}
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Version 3.0: How to remove NR (not rated) from rename pattern0