Release - Access to TheMovieDb API for Skinners
@bsoriano - You should be able to get a specific episode using the following library node:

Easiest way to create a library node xsp is using library node editor. Create a node with the rules you need, and then open the node and copy the container.folderpath
If you use sublimetext3 with kodidevkit, you can grab an info label direct from command palette (ctrl+shift+p) --> "KodiDevKit: JSON-RPC: Display Infolabels" --> "Container.FolderPath". Then just replace the dummy values you entered in the node editor with the infolabels.

For instance, to get the above path I created an Node with content episodes. Then I added rules "TvShow is Breaking Bad", "Season is 4", "Episode is 4" -- 4 is a good value to use because it isn't used in the common url % encodings, so it is easy to spot. That gave me:
videodb://tvshows/titles/-1/-1/-1/-1/?xsp=%7b%22rules%22%3a%7b%22and%22%3a%5b%7b%22field%22%3a%22tvshow%22%2c%22operator%22%3a%22is%22%2c%22value%22%3a%5b%22Breaking Bad%22%5d%7d%2c%7b%22field%22%3a%22season%22%2c%22operator%22%3a%22is%22%2c%22value%22%3a%5b%224%22%5d%7d%2c%7b%22field%22%3a%22episode%22%2c%22operator%22%3a%22is%22%2c%22value%22%3a%5b%224%22%5d%7d%5d%7d%2c%22type%22%3a%22episodes%22%7d

And I just replaced my values with the appropriate infolabels.

-- If you need to get a tmdb helper path, you can just do a query:
Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.

Messages In This Thread
RE: TheMovieDB Helper - by jurialmunkey - 2019-07-31, 11:47
RE: - Access to TheMovieDb API for Skinners - by jurialmunkey - 2020-01-21, 09:22
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