MySQL for local and remote Kodi
I have a device as my media centre and also my NAS server. I've got MySQL installed on it so to the local Kodi installation the source is local. Does this mean that the remote Kodi client will not be able to play the media files because the path is local? Would I have to set the sources to the \\nas\files\ instead of /mnt/media/?

If I do that, how would the local Kodi access the media files?

Thanks in advance
You've basically got two choices:
  1. investigate path substitution (see This would let you scrape the library with the "local" paths but have the remote Kodi instances change the path.
  2. configure the sources to use the remote share on all the machines (even the local one). With this your local machine would make a network connection to itself, and because it's behaving like a remote client the library will be the same for every machine. The drawback here is that you either have to delete and rescan your library or do an export, manually fix the paths, then reimport stuff.
I personally use the second option.  If you're starting from scratch I've found it simpler.  Many people use and swear by path substitution though.

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