Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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Xonfluence (Leia v18.x & Matrix v19.x) (Krypton 17 = deprecated)
I found a way to get it working. In the script section there is an enable favourites script option and clicking it informed me I needed to download some helper script. Favourites Window then showed up in the favourites button option and it worked as normal (regular Confluence showed the window no problem before that and my upstairs KODI install doesn't need it to show up so I don't know why that is, but at least I can use the favourites button again.
THEATER: 11.1.10 Atmos, Epson 3100 3D Projector, DaLite 92" screen, Mixed Dialog Lift  - PSB Speakers; Sources: PS4, LG UP875 UHD, Nvidia Shield (KODI), ATV4K, Zidoo X9S (ZDMC), LD, GameCube
Fresh install on a pi4b8, following a guide I wrote for myself to always get from A to B the quickest. Well, after installing the repo from a USB drive, and then going to install from repo.

Helly > Look & Feel; but all I get from here is Image Collections.

On 0.2.6 w auto update set for repo versions.

Kodi v is 10.0.2


Still running strong on my 3's.
tinkering - ive now managed to properly incorporate new menubar layouts Smile  
still got the classic, re-done the alternative/s into just a mini-menubar, and ive added a third option for the scrolling button menubar  
p.s. - ive also figured out how to include the floorbuttons in the LAF settings so the images making up the button can be changed too
1. Screenshot #2 showing a tab of the new (modded) skin settings panel looks very interesting. (The color schema excepted.) Care to elaborate your mods in a changelog/share the code?

2. Screenshot #1 displays the architecture of the main screen. Those two rows look like two rows of widgets. What stops you from adding four widgets instead of two? Lack of screen estate? If so, would switching from poster view to thumb view provide the needed screen estate? Or does it not matter at all because you can have in Xonfluence's main screen a window endlessly scrollable down, as is the case with Estuary and and other skins?

3. A mini-menu adds no value in saving screen real estate if it is reduced horizontally. The space left open in its left and right sides is simply wasted. A main menu which fills all the horizontal area (1920 pixels in FHD format) is more economical.

4. Modifying the floor buttons and adding new ones looks good until you realize how much screen estate is wasted by having a floor in the first place. One could as well put these new action buttons in the DialogButtonMenu.xml. Even better, in the Commands add-on. The space occupied by the floor button could provide the extra space needed for another widget, and the information that can be packed in a widget by far exceeds what can be displayed in the floor button. And if you MUST add extra custom action buttons, the menu blade would seem a more appropriate place. At present, it hosts just 3 buttons; there is room for 12.

5. Counterproposal: A 4-widget Xonfluence with a the default full menu bar, positioned as low as possible to accommodate the menu blade, the full main menu, and the submenus. Underneath it, nothing. No floor button.
@DiMag  -  lol you just want me to build it your way hahaha Smile  
you got to remember im not a coder - i tinker  
my end goal is releasing my own skin mod  
even thou it looks like ive done lots of work its mainly all copying&pasting what is already there - cred goes to bart, helly and those that came before, for the code.  
ive got to many mods to mention  
lets say on the surface its still xonfluence  
nowt is set in stone  
p.s. - hmmm the sideblade menu - leftside, rightside, topdown,  possibility of having 3 or even 4 on the homescreen  
p.p.s. - 'there is always more than one way'
(2022-08-20, 01:40)udangaribaldi Wrote: @DiMag  -  lol you just want me to build it your way hahaha Smile  

I. I would first need a wish list; I don't have it.

I just know what does not work, either because it violates the rules of ergonomics, or because it is not code efficient (too much work for little gain, work which does not get saved in $USER_DIR, better alternative available, etc). On these grounds, I am asking what benefit is gained from a shrunk main menu producing wasted screen estate left and right of it and making the text illegible. And from a floor menu which looks beautiful but again wastes screen estate. Considering that all buttons therein contained could migrate with exactly the same coding effort to the menu blade, or with much much less coding effort to the power menu, or the customizable Commands add-on. The last option seems much preferable since it gets saved in $USER_DIR. (If skin shortcuts are used the power menu gets saved in $USER_DIR too.)

I cannot make up my mind about the desirability of a Netflix-like home screen based on widgets; I both like them and dislike them. Therefore, I am asking you what thoughts motivated you to add an additional second widget on the main screen and not go a step further to four widgets. (Four because I was thinking you need a heads-up-display of what is in progress and what is newly added, and given that films and series are separated in the library the minimum amount of widgets to achieve this is four.) And the reason I am asking is that a just-two-widgets design looks to me like the designer cannot make up his mind about the desirability of widgets. It conveys a statement "I am coding it just because I can but as it stands it is not really useful".

II. To round up this exchange on a perfect Xonfluence's wish list, let me add the following:

I have used your advise on customizing main menu items and submenu items to great effect, and like you I am not convinced that skin shortcuts offer the same degree of control over customization as the old method does.

As to addon sets, I have come to the conclusion that to be fully useful, they have to be able to open the directory listing(s) provided in the addon and browse it down to the exact subdirectory desired. They cannot. (Whether skin shortcuts make a difference here, I don't know.) So they seem to me to be only useful for addons of the Run() type. Of which of course there are quite few, most of them suited to the Settings main menu item (see last paragraph below).

Finally I have come to the conclusion that the preferable approach to customizing the video and music main menu items is to forget submenus and addon sets and do everything per library node editing. Everything doable per submenus and addon sets can be done per library node editing; here, you can also browse addon directory listings down to the desired subdirectory. And all customizations are saved in $USER_DIR.

Library node editing doesn't apply to the settings menu. Here, the best method of customization is submenus and old style addon sets. Most if not all settings related addons are of the Run() type, so the old style addon set is perfectly suited to the Settings menu. I am not saying that I am satisfied. I wish we had a true Kodi control panel, customizable to the same degree as library node are today. I think Amber or Aeon Nox Silvo or both provide something resembling a true Kodi control panel, but I am not sure.
@DiMag  - if i lower the minibar to bottomcentre on same level as floor buttons - ergo ergonomics
i could even put a slide effect on the menubar so it pops out from offscreen say it would appear as a overlay sort of thing over the top of anything behind it (say rows of widgets)  
as for why not 4 widgets - with 1 widget set i can use most of the screen when designing the widget layouts - i dont have to keep the widget in the set onscreen position - the widgets can be as small or as big as i want them and thus i got 10 widget layouts instead of the default 2 (small & large)  
if 4 widgets are used - loss of widget layouts, 
consider the addonset - is it required - can it be done in the widget instead 
 @DiMag  - if you take control of the skin yourself - you could set your defaults in the xmls/code for the menus/submenus/any paths in the skin.  
p.s. - might be possible for the addonset and the widgetset could occupy the same space - if one is shown other is hidden  
p.p.s. - an idea:-  using $VAR in the content tag, 1 widget with the ability to change content via a button
(2022-08-20, 11:39)udangaribaldi Wrote: @DiMag  - if i lower the minibar to bottomcentre on same level as floor buttons - ergo ergonomics
i could even put a slide effect on the menubar so it pops out from offscreen say it would appear as a overlay sort of thing over the top of anything behind it (say rows of widgets)  

Sorry, I didn't notice. This way, yes, it sacrifices no screen estate.
(2022-08-20, 11:39)udangaribaldi Wrote: @DiMag   
p.p.s. - an idea:-  using $VAR in the content tag, 1 widget with the ability to change content via a button
Yes, this is brilliant.
But I would suggest two widgets - one to host library content, the other to host addon sets.
(2022-08-20, 11:39)udangaribaldi Wrote: @DiMag  - if you take control of the skin yourself - you could set your defaults in the xmls/code for the menus/submenus/any paths in the skin.  
I don't understand this. Does not everything in $USER_DIR/addons/skin.xonfluence ---including any customizations, never mind whether put in a distinct directory or just as modified files with the original filename--- get wiped out upon addon update?
@DiMag  - yes 2 widgets using $VAR in their content tags - but on change of content there maybe lag to populate with the new content(untested)  
if you take control of the skin (this means a re-name) thus no updates other than what you do  
look for HomeMainMenuContent & DefaultInitialSetup in the IncludesMainMenu.xml to get the idea  
could even set paths to addons not yet installed  
think of it as 'pre-sets' or the skins defaults   
- i.e. skin settings have them to - what settings is enabled and what settings are not
@DiMag  multiple lists but only one display 
in a past mod, i had 2 widgetsets as lists and i had a designated space to show the thumb/icon images of both widget s- and a designated space to show the info   
i had it looking similar to the tri-panel view-type - it looked the biz
(2022-08-20, 13:57)udangaribaldi Wrote: @DiMag  multiple lists but only one display 
in a past mod, i had 2 widgetsets as lists and i had a designated space to show the thumb/icon images of both widget s- and a designated space to show the info   
i had it looking similar to the tri-panel view-type - it looked the biz
Need a screenshot to understand.
@DiMag  oh it was a while back now but it consisted of three panels next to each other but separated, positioned just over the menubar, when the menubar was set to the lower position.  in the first panel was the 2 lists with headers one underneath each other.  in the second panel would display the art. of both widgets in the same position (in a major block of the panel) and in the third would display the plot info and other infolabels again for both and taking up same space of the panel  
it work'd    
it did look sweet thou  
p.s. - you might be surprised by what a font can do to a layout  
p.p.s. - one fontset can consist of one or more font.ttf's (a lot of folk just use 1 .ttf per fontset)
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Xonfluence (Leia v18.x & Matrix v19.x) (Krypton 17 = deprecated)13