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Req Filter different versions of same TV show in playlists
This one is a bit tricky to explain but I originally asked about it here.  I'm after a way, via a Smart Playlist, to separate my 4k/HDR content from the rest of the library in a shared MySQL setup.  Reason being I want a single, shared database but 4k capability is available in some rooms but not others.

I can do Movies just fine.  Each Kodi instance can reference a Smart Playlist and show only 4K or only none-4k versions of movie libraries, even when I have both 1080p and 4k versions.

TV Shows seems a lot more complicated though.  At first I thought it would be simple, all my 4K TV is on a completely separate drive/share so a simple 'path' based playlist will do the trick but sadly, this is wrong.  If I leverage paths in the Smart Playlists, I find that if a 1080p version exists, the show will never appear in a 4k smart playlist, even though it's there and the rules are valid.  My limited understanding makes me think this is all down to the fact that a TV Show can only have one path in the Kodi database but I may be over-simplifying. 

Another approach which was suggested was to create a Smart Playlist for 4K episodes, but I don't see any way to get from that to a list of shows which lists only 4k versions, again because of the single path thing.

So I think what I'm requesting is for multiple paths to be allowed for TV Shows in the Kodi database but maybe there's something less complicated that would achieve the separation required.
Yes, I am running into the same problem.  I want a 'Recorded TV' path, and also just a 'TV' path.  2 different drives.  But, it won't work if the TV series is on both drives.  My use case is that I record and watch TV in full HD, but after watching it, a script runs and compresses the file and moves it to another drive.  so in essence, the series exists in 2 separate locaitons, although an episode will only exist in one or the other locations, not both.
YES, I am running into the same issue.

I can have separate HD and 4K movies in the database, however this same setup does not work with TV Shows.
Even using different scrappers, directories and playlists has an end result of one entry in the DB for the TV Show, and all 4K/HD episodes showing in the same TV Show playlist (whichever source scanned the show first).
The only way to create the desired effect I have found is to manually edit the tvshow.nfo file of the 4K version and change the title before it gets scanned to the library/Database.  Thus tricking the DB into adding it as a completely different show

My thread is here:

I understand that by design the default behavior of kodi is to merge the show from multiple directories and even multiple sources,
What would seem like a win for all is if you provided the user the option when setting up the source if it should merge with entries in the DB or create new one.
Another thought that would allow one to still get the desired effect is to have a smart playlist for TV Shows, but its filter rules can work at the episode level.  Thus I can set my TV Shows smart playlist to display TV Shows in the regular fashion .... but only display the episodes that match the filter rule (in my case it would be that the path starts with ....).

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Filter different versions of same TV show in playlists0